You're A Witch, Baby!


The vampires lair was quiet. So quiet that even Gerard and Mikey noticed that something wasn’t right. We had planned to take as many out as possible, but we haven’t even seen one of them. Not a sign anywhere of what they were up to.

“Is it always this empty?” Freddy asked, holding onto my arm.

“No, they’re up to something. We’re getting close to Tiberus’s main chambers. They should be in there, and if they are, get ready for war.” Gerard’s words scared me. I even think they scared himself. None of knew what we were up against, and none of us knew if we were going to make it out alive.

“*tsk-tsk-tsk* I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to kill you now,” came a voice from behind us. Gerard jumped over Freddy and I so he was standing by Mikey. I looked to see a very tall, very big looking vampire. He has a wooden stake in one hand, and his other was clenched into a fist.

Both Mikey and Gerard jumped on the large vampire, and eventually wrestled the stake out of his hand before Mikey plunged it into his heart. The look on his face was priceless as Gerard and Mikey picked Freddy and I up and started running away. Within a few seconds, the vampire exploded, blood and guts going everywhere.

They set Freddy and I down as we entered a large room I presumed to be the main area. As we look around, there is nobody to be seen. There is a large chair at the far end of the circular room, which reminds me of a king’s throne. Blood red fabric adorns the walls and there are chairs lined up around the room.

“Why, hello!” Comes a booming, raspy voice from behind us. Before I could turn around, Gerard had his hand clasped around my arms. “It is nice to finally meet you. As you probably know I am Tiberus.” He started walking around us until he sat down in his throne. “Did you bring what I asked for?”

“Where’s my sister?” I said through gritted teeth. He just frowned at me.

“You’ll get your sister back when I get the book.”

“How do we know you just kill us anyway?” Freddy spoke up.

Tiberus just smirked, “You don’t.” As soon as he spoke, the room filled with about twenty or so vampires. Some of them I recognized. One of them I worked with.

Tiberus waved his hand, “Search them.” All of the vampires descended on us, taking Mikey and Gerard to one side of the room. They held wooden stakes to their chests and backs.

“They don’t have it. Just a bunch of potions.” One of them said after looking through our bags.

“This doesn’t surprise me. You can never trust a witch.” He laughed, shaking his head. “I see you have come to kill me, but it will not work. You see, if you kill me, every one of my creations dies too. Natural order. But go ahead, that is, unless you don’t want to lose your Gerard.” He stood up and opened his arms.

“Frankie, he’s lying. Do it.” Gerard said, pleading with me.

“Do you really want to take that chance?” This back and forth bantering was driving me insane. Finally I snapped, and went to freeze Tibreus. Instead of freezing, something I never would have expected happened; he blew up. I looked at my hands, and then over to Gerard. He had this look of pure elation written all over his face. I was confused, and I was scared.

“Nice trick,” came that same booming voice. I looked ahead, and there stood Tiberus. He was reforming, also something I’ve never seen before.

“Frankie, do that again and throw the po-” He was cut off by a stake being dragged across his throat. “Baby, if you don’t, we’re all dead anyway.”

“Where’s my sister?” I began to ask him.

“Where’s my book!?” He yelled, taking a few steps towards me and Freddy. His face became black and contorted, almost like Gerard’s did whenever he was hungry. “I must apologize; I didn’t mean to get testy.” He look from Freddy to me, then to Gerard. “Bring her out,” he said calmly.

Soon, they brought her out and sat her down in a chair. She had her hands tied behind her back, and she had a blindfold on. I’m guessing because Frannie kept using her powers on them. “Sorry about the blindfold, but the little witch kept making it seem like the sun was rising in the cave itself.” He took a few more steps towards me, and smiled. “So what shall it be? You try and kill me; fail; and I get the book. Or you just give me the book like a good little witch.”

“Kill him.” I could hear Gerard whispering to me. If I did it, I could lose Gerard, but if I didn’t... “Do it!” Gerard yelled, startling me. Without thinking, I raised my hands and tried to blow him up again, and it worked. Gerard and Mikey got out of the grasps of the vampires and began fighting them.

As soon as Tiberus began to reform, I dug the potions from my bag. I handed one to Freddy, and I kept the other. “Ready?” I asked, and she shook her head. She threw hers, then a moment later I threw mine.

“Oh... Crap...” Tiberus had a look that was priceless. I really don’t think he thought I would actually do it.

Within a minute, he was gone, nothing left of him but a pile of dust. I looked around when I heard a bunch of groaning. One by one, the vampires began to drop to the ground and turn to dust. “Get Francis,” I said as I ran over to Gerard who was also on the ground. I put his head in my lap and watched as his face went from normal to the most contorted I’ve ever seen, and back again. “I’m so sorry!” I pleaded with him over and over again. He didn’t say anything. He just grabbed my hand and squeezed.

I looked around, and noticed that we were the only ones in the cave. All of the other vampires had died, leaving my sisters, Gerard, Mikey, and myself. “They’re all dead, Gee.”

“Wha..?” He picked his head up and looked around. “Mikey!” He said in a very tired and grumbled voice. “You alive?”

“Hell yeah!” Mikey laughed. “I don’t know how, but I am!” I smiled when I saw Francis holding Mikey’s hands.

“Come on, let’s get you boys home,” I said, helping Gerard off of the ground.

“And how awesome was that when you blew up that guy?! Oh my gosh, that must mean your powers are expanding! This is so amazing!” We all sat in the living room, listening to the rambling of out younger sister. Gerard and Mikey went to feed, even after my protest.

I sat there, trying to figure out why Gerard and Mikey didn’t die like the rest of their kind. It boggled my mind, and it even scared me a little. What made them so special?
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry to say that there will only be a few more chapters. :/

Cyanide Urgency