You're A Witch, Baby!

Vampires Will Never Hurt You

It had only been a few days since the vanquish of all, well, almost all of the vampires here in Jersey. I was keeping Gerard and Mikey under lock and key. I knew the word had gotten out about our little spectacle, and letting the magical community know that Gerard and Mikey survived wasn’t something I was going to take lightly. We still hadn’t figured out why they survived, but at this point I didn’t care. I was just happy they were still both here.

I jumped at a crack of thunder, it shaking the house around me. Little drops of water began to hit the windows of my room. The bed began to move as Gerard rolled over, smiling at me when he opened his eyes. “Good morning, my love.” I said to him.

“Good morning to you too.” He leaned over and placed a kiss on my forehead. “So, I’ve been thinking about this whole thing. I think the reason I’m still alive is because I wasn’t under his control anymore. The same with Mikey. It’s the only logical explanation I can come up with that makes any sense.”

I shook my head, his inference making sense to me as well. We lay there in bed for a few minutes more before Gerard decides to get up. “Baby?” He turned around and smiled. “Marry me?”

His mouth gaped open when my question sank in. He moved closer to the bed, sitting at the end of it, looking me up and down for a few moments. “What? Are you serious?”

“More than ever. I’ve never loved anybody as much as I love you. Being with you is the only thing that makes me happy.” I scooted closer to him, taking his hands in mine.

“What happens is fifty years when you’re old and grey, and I still look 25?” Gerard said, never looking up from our clasped hands.

“Change me...” His eyes widened and he jumped off the bed.

“Are you crazy?! You don’t want to be a vampire!” He started walking around the room, running his hands through his long black hair.

“Gerard, you love being a vampire...”

“But I don’t want this life for you! Being stuck in the dark all the time. Not being able to have an actual life, or friends. Seeing all of your family die while you stay young...” He sighed, then sat back down next to me. Gerard looked at me for a few moments before taking and kissing both of my hands.

“Gerard, I don’t know how to say this without sounding like a giant asshole, but you’re the only thing I want. Yes, I love my sisters, but I don’t want to lose you. Who knows? Maybe one day Mikey and Francis will fall in love and he’ll change her. Then we can all be one giant happy undead family...” He laughed for a brief moment before his smile faded.

“I don’t know baby...” Gerard said shaking his head. “If you really want to do this... Then you need to talk it over with your sisters first. I know ultimately it’s your decision, but I think you need to look at it from a different perspective. So, just promise me you will, okay?”

I smiled and gave him a quick kiss. “I promise.” I got up and started walking to the bathroom when I realized something. “You know, you never answered my question.” I turned around and folded my arms across my chest.

He looked down at the floor then back up at me. “Well, what do you think?”

“I think... you’re going to say yes.” I walked back over to the bed and pushed him down before climbing on top of him. “Then you’re going to kiss me.”

“I like the way you think, Mr. Iero.” Seconds later, there was a knock on my door before it opened.

“Ugh, guys? We have company...” The both of us quickly followed Freddy down the stairs and into the living room. Gerard stopped and bowed his head when he saw the man standing in the middle of the room.

“It’s nice to see you two again. I’m glad to see you survived.” The man said nodding to Gerard and Mikey. “Oh, allow me to introduce myself to the Iero’s. My name is Ambrogio, or the Immortal One. I am the oldest living vampire in existence, and also, the creator of Tiberus.”
“Umm, it’s nice to meet you... oh great one? I do have to ask you something. Why are you here? You’re not going to kill us for vanquishing almost all of the vampires in Jersey and your creation, are you?” Francis asked, a hint or worry in her voice. Ambrogino let out this deep, hollow, bellowing laugh which seemed to shake the floor.

“No, of course not! I actually came here to thank you.”

“Thank us? For what?” I was seriously questioning his motives.

“Well, you did my job for me! I was going to stop Tiberus myself, but you got there before me. You see, Tiberus was a troubled being. Although he was once a great King, his motives changed. He began killing humans and other magical creatures for no reason; for the fun of it, I guess. Thanks to the Way brothers and you three, that is stopped.

“Believe it or not, most vampires, nowadays, wouldn’t hurt anyone. The hunting instinct has been, well to put it blatantly, bread out of them. We only feed on humans with their permission, and it’s only enough to stay alive.

“Along with thanking you, I’ve also come with a proposition for the Way’s. Without a king, the few remaining vampires have no guidance. I want you both to be the new Kings-Share the responsibility. I can’t think of anybody else I would want for this job. I would even swear you in myself.”

Gerard and Mikey just looked from Ambrogino then to each other. I could see the excitement in both of their faces. Gerard was about to speak when he turned to look at me. All I could think to do was smile.

“This is really big...” Mikey said, Gerard looking to his brother once again. “What do you think, Gee?”

“This is big, but I’m all for it. We could make a difference, start over. I’m in if you’re in Mikes.” A gigantic smile spread over Mikey’s face. He stuck his hand out for Ambrogino to shake.

“When do we start?” Gerard asked, smirking.
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I'm back from my hiatus with some sad news. This is the last chapter. I've been going back and forth on how I should end this, writing and rewriting this chapter so many times I lost count. I finally decided to do it like this, leaving it up to your imagination on what happens next. Thanks for all of you who stuck by, commented and subscribed.

Thanks from the bottom of my black little heart.

Cyanide Urgency