You're A Witch, Baby!


It’s been almost two weeks since Freddy received her powers, and almost two weeks since the rest of the supernatural world learned of us. Luckily none of us have an encounter with anything of the bad nature yet. Trust me, I was thankful, but still worried at the same time. I didn’t know how the three of us would react when it came time to battle. I had faith in my powers, along with my sisters, but I was still scared. I knew of the evil in the world; I’ve studied the book since I turned 21, a little over 3 years ago now, but I just didn’t know what they were capable of.

I worked at a coffee shop a few blocks away from where we lived. It was close enough that I could walk. Normally people would be afraid to walk home at night here in Jersey, but not for a magical witch with powers. I know I’m not suppose to use them in public, but I have to admit, it’s fun fucking with people at times; especially the creeps. Now I’m not the most threatening guy, I’m 4’9’’ and a little over 120. But when I freeze people, run away, and then unfreeze them, it’s the funniest thing in the world. Their face is priceless, and I laugh so hard I cry, every time.

We close a little after 10 on Fridays, and I was meeting my sisters at a club a block up the street. I pulled my jacket over my shoulders, the crisp January air blowing all around me. I felt a slight shiver come over me as I turned a corner. I could hear the slight thump of the music coming from up the street. Along with that thump, I could of sworn there were footsteps coming from right behind me. When I stopped and looked, there wasn’t anybody except a few girls on the other side of the road.

I turned back around and continued on my journey, thinking that I’m just becoming paranoid. Having the entire supernatural world just waiting to kill could do that to a person. Looking up, I saw my sisters standing outside the club, waving at me. I jogged over to them, hugging them both. We made our way inside and quickly found a table in the packed club.

“I’m gonna go get a drink,” I practically yelled over the loud music. Moving away from my sisters, I squeezed through the mass of people and broke through on the other side. I found an empty stool and sat down.

“A beer, please,” I stated. As I waited for my drink, I couldn’t help but feel that paranoid sensation wash over me once again. I looked around, gazing at all the faces around me, spotting my sisters mixed into the crowd with a couple of guys.

“Here you go,” I heard from behind me. I turned around and mumbled a thanks as he was already half way down the bar. Shaking my head, I took a swig and sighed. That paranoid feeling was still with me, and I couldn’t explain why.

After carrying Freddy to the car, and dragging her into bed, it was time to go to bed. It had been a long night of looking over my shoulder, and protecting my sisters from creeps. I even had to shake a few off myself. That would have been a great time to use my powers, but in a room full of crowded people it wasn’t such a good idea.

“Frank!” I heard Frannie yell. I ran out of the living room and into the kitchen. “Down here!” she yelled.

“What is it?” I asked, a little scared, as I reached the bottom of the basement stairs. Frannie was over in the corner looking at something.

“The trunk... It’s been tampered with. Someone was trying to get into it.”

“Or something...” I stated. I knew it would be a matter of time before someone was after our book. Luckily it had it’s own shield that protected itself; no one but our family could touch it, ever. Frannie and I picked up the few scattered things strewn around the basement, and made our way back upstairs.

“So I guess the fun has begun,” Frannie sighed, looking up at me as I sat down on a stool. I lay my head down on the counter and pretended to cry. “Oh you big baby. You knew it would happen sooner or later.”

“Sooner than you think...” came a dark and grisly voice from behind us. I jumped up, standing behind the counter beside Frannie. He threw something at us, a blue-green glowing ball of some kind. I assume it was an energy ball. We ducked, and I waved my hands, freezing him where he stood. Frannie grabbed a knife out of the block and threw it at him. He burst into flames, and within seconds, he was gone.

“Holy shit!” I shouted. “That was awesome!”

“And terrifying!” Frannie laughed.

After calming myself down, I decided to look in the book to see if the creature was in there. Turns out it was a lower level demon, probably after the book or our powers. If any demon, or anything else for that matter, gained control of our powers and learned the knowledge of the book, we would be fucked. Everything that our family has worked for would be for nothing.

I looked at the clock, sighing. It’s a little after 2 in the morning, and I have to be at work by noon. The sad thing is, though, I’m not tired. I’m still on an adrenaline rush from the attack, so I made my way outside, hoping the cold night air would bring me down from my high.

I walked around to the other side of the house, gazing up at the stars every once in a while. They were beautiful, yet so dangerous. All of a sudden, I heard the trees rustling. The wind wasn’t moving, so I knew something was there. That paranoid feeling came hurling back, and I was preparing myself for the worst.

Yet, nothing happened. The rustling sound stopped, but the feeling didn’t go away. It didn’t go away all night. As I lay in bed, feeling like I’m going insane, I try to calm myself. I kept seeing things out of the corner of my eye, and I kept freezing nothing. There was absolutely nothing in my room with me, but my vaguely disturbed and paranoid mind.
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*grabs basket full of cookies* ;-))

Cyanide Urgency