You're A Witch, Baby!


“Behind you,” one of them said. I turned around, just in time to stop a fire ball from hitting me in the face. I grabbed the knife from where it lay on the floor, and threw it at the demon. He exploded in a fireball, just like they always did. I picked up the knife, and rain into the kitchen were I saw one escape. As soon as he saw me, he vanished. I put the knife in the sink, and made my way back into the living room.

I looked around, and sighed. I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to having to pick up after these guys. We’ve only been attacked 3 times, and I’m already sick of them. Maybe I could write a spell that protects the house from mess. That would be great.

I laughed at the though as I went upstairs to my room. I was meeting my sisters and their friends at the club we went to last week. Since that first demon got some kind of slime on me, I had to change. I took off my shirt, and threw it in the trash. I don’t think I’ll ever get that crap out.

As I made my way to the car, I stopped when I heard my name. I was frozen in fear. I find it ironic that I could fight demons, but yet this paranoid sensation was scaring me more than anything.

“He-Hello?” I fumbled my words out. I herd it again, except this time it was louder. It was getting closer, I could feel it staring at me. I closed my eyes, wishing it would go away. I wanted this feeling to end, I’m so sick of feeling like this. The voice got closer, and closer, and soon I could fell hot breath om my neck. My heart was pounding, and all I wanted to do was run.

I somehow made it to the car, and flew out of the driveway. I looked back, but I saw nothing. This was getting way out of hand. I needed to sort my shit out real fast and figure out who the hell was doing this to me. As soon as I get home, it’s to the book to see if I can find some answers.

I pulled in to the parking lot to see Freddy standing outside smoking. I really wish she’s cut the habit, it’s really bad for her. I jogged over to her, shaking off the dreaded feeling I had over me.

“Hey, it’s about time,” Freddy said, putting out her smoke.

“Well, there was a little problem at home.” I said discretely, as there were people around us.

“Are you okay?” she asked, pulling me off to the side.

“Yea, the house is a mess though,” I laughed. We made our way inside, soon finding the others at a table. I was trying to have fun, but my mind kept going to other things; scary things. I wanted it to stop. I wanted to live again, without having this thing hovering over my shoulders. I decided to go to the bar and get a beer. I sat down in the corner, away from the other people. I soon felt like someone was watching me. I sighed, trying not to notice it.

“This seat taken?” came a voice from beside me, making me jump.

“Uh, no.” I stated. I looked over just as the man sat down. My jaw hit the bar. He was gorgeous; flawless. He had disheveled jet black hair that was pushed back, and glowing white skin. He looked up from the menu and over to me. I quickly turned my head, looking away. I could hear him chuckle from beside me.

“See something you like?” he said, continuing to chuckle. I didn’t know what to say so I laughed a little.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to stare.”

“No need to apologize. I’m Gerard.” He held out his hand for me to shake. I reached out and grabbed his hand. It was freezing cold.

“I’m, uh.. Frank.” I said, rather stuttered out. I’m making myself look like a complete idiot in front of this guy.

“Well hello Uh Frank. So, back to my question. See something you like?” I froze. I just though he’d play it off, but apparently not.

“Maybe.” Where the fuck did that come from? Never in a million years would I have said something like that. There was something about this guy...

“Good. ‘Cuz I defiantly see something I like...” he kind of moaned out. I wanted to jump his bones right here in the middle of the fucking bar.

“You’re very forward, aren’t you?” I took a sip of my beer.

“You have no idea,” he smirked. “If you’re not doing anything, you wanna meet back here tomorrow night? I’d love to get to know you.”

“Yea, I’d like that too.” He winked at me, took a sip of my beer, and got up. Soon I felt a hand on my shoulder, and one on my ass. He slid something into my back pocket.

“Parting is such sweet sorrow,” he whispered in my ear, before disappearing into the crowd.

“Wow... He was hot!” I heard from behind me. I looked to see Frannie standing a few feet away.

“No, he was cold. Freezing cold...” I got up and lay down a couple of ones for my beer. I walked with Frannie back to the table where I sat next to one of their friends, Shelly. I couldn’t stop thinking about that guy; Gerard. He had this hold over me, and he made me feel... That’s the thing. I don’t know how I feel. So many emotions were running around in me, I couldn’t sort one out from the other.

I soon remembered that he had slid something into my back pocket. Reaching for it, I felt a crumpled up piece of paper. I unfolded it, to find a phone number, and a little note.

Be here, 10 o’clock, beautiful.
xoxo, g

All I could do was smile. I folded the paper back up and stuck it in my pocked once again. But all too quickly, dread came over me. What if he was some kind of demon? What if he was really trying to kill me? I didn’t want to think these thoughts, yet here they were. I’ve only known this guy for a few minutes, so I needed to be careful. I’ll make a few potions to protect myself, and a knife also...
I just hope I don’t have to use any of them. I wanted to get to know this guy. I felt a connection to him, like I’ve met him before. It seemed strange, but that’s what I was feeling. Soon, I was back in the comfort of my own home, sitting on the love seat in the basement reading the book.

I found nothing about the voices I was hearing. Hopefully, I won’t have to deal with them any more. I wanted them to be gone. I wrote down the recipe for a few potions that would kill a demon, but would do nothing to a mortal. I don’t want to harm anybody, especially Gerard.