You're A Witch, Baby!


I tapped my finger nails on the cafe counter. Staring at the clock, it was five after ten o’clock. I was suppose to meet Gerard at the bar, and at this rate I was never going to make it. There were still two couples painstakingly wasting my time with their pointless bantering. I know I’m being a bitch, but I mean come on! They’ve been in here since I came in for my shift. Finally after another five minutes, they left, leaving me a heaping mess to clean up.

Another ten minutes passed before I was able to get away from work. I jogged up the street to the club, where I was hoping that Gerard hadn’t given up on me. I quickly found my way inside, searching for that mysterious man. I looked around for at least five minutes in the small club, but no sign of him. So, being the normal me, I sat down at the corner of the bar and ordered a beer.

I tried to shake the feeling of dread off of me. I wanted tonight to go well, and I was really hoping I didn’t have to kill Gerard. I know that sounds bad, but there was a good chance he could be a demon or something else. I didn’t want to take any chances, but I was still hoping, in the back on my mind, that he was actually a good guy. For once in my life, I wanted to meet a guy that I could trust, and now more than ever, wasn’t trying to kill me.

“Miss me?” I heard that familiar voice ring. I smiled and turned to see a smirking Gerard sitting next to me.

“Only a little.” Once again, no idea where that came from.

“I’m glad you made it. Most guys would have pegged me for the serial killer type, but not you. Why is that?” he asked me. I sat there for a few moments questioning the context of what he just said.

“Oh, I guess I just see the best in everybody. You never know if you don’t give it a try, right?” All he did was smile at me.

“You’re an alright guy, you know that Frankie baby?” Gerard took a drink of his beer, smiling at me.

“Just.. alright?” I rested my head on my hand, looking him up and down. I couldn’t get over how gorgeous this guy was.

“I’m pretty sure you’re way more than alright. You want to dance?”

“I’d love to!” I squealed out. My cheeks turned red, but he just smiled at me. Gerard grabbed my hand and led me to the center of the dance floor. He spun me around like I weighed nothing. The flashing lights were a little blinding, and I could barely see his face. But when I could, his eyes glowed with such a fire. I’d never seen eyes as clear as his. They were this bright hazel color, and his pupils almost looked red.

We danced the night away, talking about anything and everything. I felt like I knew him like I have my whole life. I don’t think I’ve ever learned so much about one person in my whole life. And I’ve sure never told anybody so much about myself before. Even though I’ve only known him for a day, I knew I was falling for him. I could tell just by the way he was holding me, that he felt something for me too.

Being the lightweight I am, it only took two beers to get me buzzed. It was a little after one, and the bar would be closing soon. So, Gerard led me outback so he could help me find my way home. He had one of his strong arms wrapped around my waist, keeping me close to him. Now, this probably wasn’t the smartest of my ideas, having a strange man take me home, but I really felt like I could trust him. There was just something about Gerard that made me feel safe.

We were a few blocks away from the house, when we tuned. I soon found myself in an alley, being pushed up against a wall.

“You know, if I really wanted, I could take advantage of you right now.” Gerard raised my hands above my head, and pressed himself against me. His lips came dangerously close to mine, lingering a few inches away.

“But you’re not that kind of guy, are you?” I tried moving my face closer to his, but I was stuck where I was. He was too tall and too strong for me to move.

“Well, then what kind of guy do you think I am?” He looked over my face, searching for the answer to his question.

“You’re the kind of guy who takes advantage of situations, in a good way. You know what you want and you go after it. You’re not afraid to let yourself out there, even though you can get hurt. Most of all, you’re not the kind of guy to hurt someone you truly care about.” His face softened after I finished speaking.

“My, my, Frankie baby. You really know how to read a person.” He let one my hands go, and brought his down to stroke my cheek. I closed my eyes, smiling at the touch of his cold and soft hands.

When we finally made it back to my house, he walked me to the door. I stood there, my hand in his, looking at this beautiful creature. I didn’t want to say goodnight to him, but I had to. My sisters were probably climbing the walls.

“I’ve never had such an amazing night before. Thank you, Gerard.” I moved in closer to him.
“No, thank you, Frank.” He pushed me back against the door, running his hands up and down my sides. He leaned in, placing his lips on mine. Even though it was only for a few seconds, it felt like my heart was going to come flying out of my chest and Gerard would have to chase it down.

He soon pulled away from me, smirking. “Parting, my Frankie baby, is such sweet sorrow...” He turned away from me, making his way down the stairs. He quickly disappeared into the night.
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Cyanide Urgency