You're A Witch, Baby!


"Did you have to kill him?" Frannie asked as soon as I walked in the door. I sat down on the sofa in the living room and took my shoes off.

"No, I didn't have to kill him." I laughed at her question.

"Are you sure you won't have to kill him?" Freddy asked, coming in from the other room. I just shook my head.

"Yes, I'm sure. He's a good guy. And stop with all the questions." Frustrated, I got up and started to my room. I was tired of the third degree, and I wanted to take a shower. It's been a long and sweaty night.

I climbed into bed, thinking about the wonderful night I had. I've never had so much fun with anybody before. Falling asleep, my head was son filled with images of that mysterious man of mine.

A week had passed, and still no word from Gerard. I had called him many times, but there was never an answer. I was starting to get worried. I was really hoping that our date wasn't just a one time thing. I wanted him to like me, because I liked him. A lot...

I awoke to crashing sounds. I threw on some pants and ran downstairs to find the house a mess once again. I ducked out of the way as a dagger came flying at me. I dug it out of the wall and threw it back at the demon. He didn't explode in a fireball, but he burst into a million pieces. I guess he was a different kind of demon. I heard a yell coming from the basement.

I ran downstairs to find Frannie laying on the floor. I froze the demon that was trying to take the book from the chest. Grabbing the knife out of Freddy's hands, I plunged it into the demon.

"Freddy?" I shook her until she awoke. I helped her upstairs so we could find Freddy. She was in the living room, fighting off a demon. She had her focus on him, making him see things.

"Kill him!" she shouted. Freddy threw the dagger at him, and he exploded like the first demon I killed.

"Is everybody okay?" I asked. Frannie sat down in a chair, rubbing her temples.

“I’m thinking I should just wrap myself up in bubble paper.” Freddy laughed. She had a point. She was always the one getting attacked and hurt. She didn’t have complete control over her powers yet, and she was still a little scared of them. I don’t blame her though; getting control over my powers was a bitch.

It was later in the evening and I was in the kitchen cooking supper. It had been forever since I had cooked a meal for my sisters, and it felt nice. After putting the casserole in the oven, I made my way to the living room when there was a knock on the door. I couldn’t see who it just by looking out the window; it was that dark outside. When I opened the door, I was shocked at who was standing there.

“Dad. Hi,” It had been almost a year since we had seen our father. After our mom died, he went kind of nuts, thinking that he should travel the world. He left us behind and ruined his relationship with me and Frannie.

“Frankie, my son! How are you?” he pulled me into his arms.

“Umm, I’m good dad. It’s nice to see you.” I brought him inside to the living room where my sisters were.

“Daddy!” Freddy said, jumping into his arms. She always was daddy’s girl. He treated her like a princess, filling her head with crap. I’ve never had a good relationship with my father; we didn’t get along much. Mostly because I was gay.

“What brings you back to town?” Frannie asked in her usual tone when he was around; crude.

“I came to a breaking point in my travels and decided to come see my children. Do you have a problem with that?” He answered in a sarcastic tone. I can tell that this was going to be a great visit.

After a long, long dinner, and an even longer argument between my eldest sister and our beloved father, I decided I needed a shower. It had been a long night, and I wanted to wash all the badness off of me. I hated it when my father came home. He always brought this negative energy and it brushed off on me.

I stood in the shower for what seemed like forever. It felt great letting the hot water run over me. Hearing my name brought me out of the good mood I was in. I opened the shower door and called out, “Hello?” There was no answer. I just shrugged it off, and continued with my shower.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard my name again, only this time, it was right behind me. As fast as I could, I turned off the water, grabbed my towel and threw it around me. I jumped out of the shower and ran to my room, slamming the door behind me. I was really hoping that this thing would go away, but apparently it won’t.

Soon, my phone started ringing, so I went and picked it up. “Hello?”

“Hey Frankie boy. How’s it going?” Instantly I knew who was on the other end of the line.

“It’s going okay. Although it would be better if you weren’t ignoring me...” There was a short pause before he answered.

“Yea, I’m really sorry about that. My job has been really stressful lately. I’m thinking about quitting though.”

“So that means you want to see me again, right?” I said, biting my lip. I always feel like a little girl with a schoolyard crush whenever I talk to Gerard.

“Of course I do. How about tonight?” My heart fluttered, and I sat down on my bed. I was afraid I would fall over.

“I would love to, but I can’t. My dad’s back and if I leave my older sister and him alone they might kill each other,” I told him in all honesty.

“I could always just come over.” I smiled at the though of that.

“If you come over right now I’d be really embarrassed.” I was hoping what I was about to say would get him going...

“Oh, and why is that?” It sounded like he was running through trees. It was very strange.

“Because I’m in bed... naked.” The noise on the other side of the line stopped.

He let out a long sigh and then spoke. “Ohh, Frankie baby. You really shouldn’t tell me things like that.”

“And why is that?” I laughed to myself.

“Because I’m not that far from your house, that’s why.” I burst out laughing.

“Okay, good point.” I couldn’t help but let my mind wander over the though of Gerard coming over right now, and what would happen.
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Cyanide Urgency