You're A Witch, Baby!


“Wait... What?” It’s like the words he said didn’t compute with my brain. They had to be repeated.

“I’m not human, Frankie.” I stood up, backing away from him. I couldn’t believe what he was saying. Was he actually a demon?

“What are you...?” I said through clenched teeth.

“I’m a vampire,” he spoke after a pause.

“Your shitting me, right?” I sat back down in the chair, a little relief hitting me. Vampires didn’t exist... Did they?

“Frankie, I know you know they exist. I bet we’re mentioned in your book.” My jaw dropped. How the hell did he know about the book? “Yes Frankie, I know you’re a witch.”

I raised my hands to freeze him, but I couldn’t do it. Looking into his eyes, I just knew I couldn’t hurt him. “How do I know you won’t hurt me?”

He didn’t say anything. He just lifted up his shirt to reveal his bandaged side. “I was sent here to kill you, but when I met you I couldn’t do it. There’s something about you that I can’t figure out; and I like that. I went against my creator, and I’ve been running for the past two weeks. But tonight, one of my brothers caught up with me and did this. I came here, knowing that they couldn’t follow me, and hoping that you’d help me.”

Cautiously, I got up and sat down next to him on my bed. I don’t know what came over me, but I couldn’t help myself. I leaned in and placed my lips to his. I felt that same spark that hit me the last time we kissed. I now knew what Gerard was, and apparently that didn’t matter to me.

“So, I take that as a yes?” I just smiled and continued to kiss him. It only lasted a few minutes before he put his hand on my chest and pushed me away.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, hoping that he felt the same way I did.

“It’s not you, I promise. I just can’t do this right now. With the state that I’m in... I don’t want to hurt you...” he sighed, looking down at the floor. It took me a moment before I actually got what he was saying.

“Oh... oh! Umm, what do you eat?” I asked him, even though I was scared of what he might say.

“Well these last few decades I’ve become a vegetarian. It’s mostly cute little woodland creatures.” He pulled a half smile, but something that he said stuck out; decades.

“How-how old are you?”

“Mentally? I’m 25. Physically, I’m 123. I as born in 1889 in Newark.” I just sat there with my mouth gaping open. “I know, I’m old,” he chuckled.

“Maybe I shouldn’t be dating such an old man. It’s kinda gross...” I pushed some of his stray hair behind his ear.

“So we’re dating now?” he smirked at me.

“If you want,” I whispered. I really hope he says yes.

“Of course I want to. I don’t want to be without you, Frankie baby.” We sat on my bed for a few minutes, talking about different things. I wanted to know about his life before he was turned, but he said he’d tell me another time. I think he was afraid of something, and he didn’t want to let me know about it. I wasn’t worried though, I’m just glad every thing's out in the open now. I have Gerard, and he has me.

“I should probably be going before the sun comes up. I need to sleep.” He started to stir, but I didn’t want him to leave.

“You can stay here, with me.” He sat up and looked at me for a few moments.

“Does it stay dark in here during the day?”

“Well yea, but... Oh! So you can’t go out in the daylight?” I wasn’t even thinking about that.

“Yes, but as long as I stay in the shadows. I’m not condemned to total blackness. I just can’t be in direct sunlight, or...poof! A few of my elders can, but they won’t let anybody in on the secret. I’ve been trying to find a way for so long...” He looked down at his hands which were fidgeting in his lap.

“Maybe I can help with that.” I could probably write a spell that would help him.

“That can be a chore for tomorrow.” He stroked my cheek with his thumb, his soft, cold flesh against mine. I leaned into his hand, loving the feeling.

“Do you think I could borrow some clothes? I’m covered in blood...” he asked me, taking his hand away. I just smiled and went to my closet. I tossed him a plain black shirt and some shorts, watching as he took his off. I noticed his bandages were loose, so I went to fix them.

“You’re... healed?” I was shocked. There wasn’t even a mark on either side of him.

“It’s a plus of being a vampire; rapid healing.” I just shook my head. This was so amazing; I’m dating a vampire.

I woke up around ten the next morning, seeing Gerard buried in the blankets. I couldn’t help but stare at his beautiful face. I remembered feeling so safe last night with him here. He kept me in his arms all night long, protecting me. I’ve never felt the way I do with Gerard, it’s like he was made for me. Well, I was made for him since he’s 100 years older than I am. That didn’t matter to me; I’m just glad that I have him, and for right now, he’s safe too.

I crawled out from his strong hold, and made my way to the bathroom. I threw on some clothes, and brushed my teeth and hair. Going back into my room, I made sure all the windows were shut, and that the blinds were all the way down, and the curtains were closed. I didn’t want Gerard to get hurt. I closed my door, and headed downstairs.

I quickly noticed that my sisters were up because I could smell that they were cooking breakfast. Hesitantly, I walked into the kitchen. I really didn’t want to get into it again with the two of them.

“Is everything okay?” Frannie asked me. I sat down on a chair, and shook my head.

“Yea, why?”

“Well, we heard a lot of talking last night, and there were a few blood soaked towels in the bathroom.” Shit...

“Yea, well... Gerard was over, and he had a little accident.” This isn’t going to turn out well.

“He was here?” Frannie almost yelled. I hated it when she got mad; her face got red and her voice got high pitched.

“Yes, do you have a problem with that?” I went over to the fridge and grabbed the orange juice carton.

“Yes, I have a problem with that! Last night you hated him, and now you let him into our house? You’re nuts! You still still have no idea what he is!” I just shook my head; she was yelling and carrying on.

“Would you keep your voice down?” I said through gritted teeth. I really didn’t want her waking Gerard up. I would give him permission to bite her just to shut her up. I know it’s not nice, but she drives Frannie drives me insane.

“Wait... He’s still here?! You didn’t... Oh God Frank, how could you? He could hurt you!” I couldn’t take it anymore. I just blew up.

“No, we didn’t do anything! And he’s not going to hurt me, I know what he is!” Being the stupid person I am, I didn’t think about what I was saying. I quickly shut my mouth and turned away.

“What-what do you mean, what he is?” Frannie asked. I didn’t answer. I knew I fucked up by saying that. She stomped over to me and grabbed my arm. “Answer me.”

“No, Francis. He’s not human. You happy now?” Her jaw dropped. She let go of my arm and backed away from me. “You have to believe me. He’s not going to hurt us. He went against everything he knows to protect me.”

“Okay, I believe you. Just answer me this: What is he?” Frannie asked me. I looked between both of my sisters, deciding whether or not I should actually tell them. It wasn’t my secret to share, but I didn’t spill now, I wouldn’t hear the end of it.

“You probably won’t believe me, but... Gerard’s a vampire,” I confessed. Nothing... The both of them just stared at me, like I was completely insane. Who knows; maybe I am.
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*tosses out cookies*

Cyanide Urgency