You're A Witch, Baby!


As I picked up the broken pieces of picture frames and flower vases, I couldn't help but think of something I've been noticing. For the last month, every demon we have encountered has had the same neck tattoo. They always attack around the same time, and they always have the same strategy; It's stupid really. We know when they are coming, and who's going for who.

I looked up as the front door opened. "Is everybody okay?" Frannie asked.

"You missed out on all the fun! Now you can help us clean up." I said as I threw all the glass pieces in the trash can. She walked over to me, setting her bags on the table.

“Hey, guys. I found the tribe that these guys belong to. Apparently they’re lower level, so they must be working for somebody.” Freddy sat down on the couch with the book. I leaned the broom against the wall and made my way to the living room.

“Okay, now we just have to figure out who it is and kill the bastard before he kills us.” I said firmly, my sisters nodding in agreement. It wasn’t too long before we came up with a battle strategy. The next time they attacked, we would take one of them prisoner, and torture him until he spilled his slimy, evil guts out. Figuratively speaking, of course.

I went to the basement, looking for something that we could use to keep the demon hostage. I remembered seeing something in the trunk a few weeks ago. I dug through the giant box, moving things around and taking things out until I found what I wanted. It was a bag containing crystals, blessed by our ancestors to trap magical beings. I just hope that this would be strong enough to keep one of them down long enough so we could get some answers.

I took the crystals, and set them on the living room table before making my way upstairs. I opened my door, and almost shit bricks. “Jesus, Gerard! Can’t you use the front door?” He was sitting on my bed, flipping through one of my many comic books.

“I would, but I get the feeling your sisters don’t like me,” he said, never looking up from the comic book. I knew he was right. Me dating a vampire isn’t exactly what they wanted for me.

“They’ll come around.” I walked over and sat in front of him. He looked up, and placed his lips to mine. We moved in sync for a few moments before he pulled away. I knew it was hard for him to be so close to me. I’m just glad he made the effort.

“Oh, happy two month anniversary,” Gerard smiled, handing me a small box. “It’s not what you think it is.” He just smirked at me as I opened the small black box.

“Gee, this is awesome!” I pulled out a chain with a Smashing Pumpkins guitar pick attached to it. I flipped it over to find a bunch of scribbles.

“That’s Billy’s signature.” I lunged myself at Gerard, wrapping my arms around him.

“This is so great,” I said after finally letting go of him. “Here. This is my gift to you.” I reached into my side table, and pulled out a drawing pad and some pens.

“When you took me to your house, I noticed you had a lot of drawings all over the place. I thought you might like these.”
“I love them.” He placed his fingers under my chin, bringing my lips to his. The heat and passion in Gerard’s kisses are always so intense. It’s like he’s telling me how much he really cares for me in one single gesture.

He moved his hand to my neck, rubbing his thumb up and down. His other hand snaked around my waist, pulling me towards him. He stretched his legs forwards, so I could sit on them. My hands quickly found his long, soft black hair.

Gerard ran his hands up my back and down my sides, giving me goose bumps. He started to take my shirt off, and instantly I hoped that I knew where this was heading. I’ve wanted Gerard so bad for so long now that it was hard to control myself.

As soon as my shirt was off, he kissed at my chest. His fingers started undoing my pants, tugging at them to get them off. I shimmied and shook, trying to get them down my legs. I got one foot out before Gerard flipped me over. My pants went flying off of my foot, landing somewhere. He positioned himself so he was straddling my thighs, grinding his hard length against mine. We both let out soft moans, each of them getting lost between our lips.

“Gee... Take me.” He stopped grinding against me.

“Are you sure? I don’t want to-” I cut him off, pressing my finger to his lips.

“Gerard, I trust you.” He just smiled at me, slipping his fingers in my boxers. Once he had them off, he took me in his mouth, sucking and brushing his teeth against my shaft. I shook with pleasure, moaning out his name.

He kissed his way back up so we were face to face. “Are you ready, baby?” Instead of answering, I pulled lube from my nightstand. I opened it up, applying a generous amount to him; Gerard moaning as I did so.

I wrapped my legs around his thighs as he pushed himself into me. I let out a grunt, hoping that the pain wasn’t obvious in my face. As if he could read my mind, he stopped about halfway. I opened my eyes to look at him, and I could see the worry in his face, along with some emotion I didn’t recognize.

Soon, the pain subsided, and I urged him to continue. It was slow at first, and for that I was glad. He was a little bigger than expected, so I was glad he was taking it soft. “You can go faster...” I moaned out as he was nearing my spot. He obliged, and it didn’t take him long to find that special place!

“Right there...” I moaned loudly. Even with my eyes shut tight, I could sense the smirk on Gerard’s face. He moaned and grunted along with me, and I was glad that he was enjoying himself as much as I was.

It wasn’t long before he was slamming into me at a very fast pace. It felt so amazing; I’ve never felt these sensations before.

I forced my eyes open, and almost jumped out of my skin at what I saw. Gerard’s face was contorted. His eye sockets were black and vainy, and with his mouth wide open, I could see two very sharp looking teeth. “Gerard?”

He looked down at me, and instantly knew what was wrong. He pulled himself away from me, crouching at the end of the bed. His face was hidden by his hands, not letting me see him. I crawled to him, placing my hand on his shoulder. “I was hoping this wouldn’t happen...” he sighed, placing one of his hands on top of mine.

“Is this- what you really look like? When you’re... hungry?” He turned towards me, and I could see that his face was back to normal, except his teeth were still showing, and just his eyes were black.

“Scary, huh? I’m sorry, Frankie. I knew this was a possibility, and I still put you in danger.”

“Gerard, I know you won’t hurt me.” His head snapped towards me, and his face quickly became contorted again. He showed me his teeth, almost growling, before pounced on me and forcing me down on the bed. Grabbing me by the wrists, he placed my arms above my head.

“Are you sure about that?” he asked as his mouth neared my neck. His voice was slurred and scratchy, almost as if he had a bad cold.

Although I was startled, I wasn’t scared. “You won’t hurt me.” I said sternly. He moved so he was looking me in the eye, surprise on his features.

“How can you trust me so much, when you know I can rip out your throat and have you for dinner?” His voice was back to normal, along with the rest of him.

“Because I can tell that you have the exact same feelings for me as I do for you.” In one swift motion, Gerard had me sitting on top of him. I could tell that he was back into this, and I was glad that he knew I felt comfortable around him.

I lowered myself onto him, my body shaking with pleasure. In sync, we moaned each other’s names. Gerard grabbed me by my hips as I moved around, finding my spot again. The feeling was so intense that I could feel myself quickly slipping.

“I’m close...” I grunted out. Gerard chuckled, and groaned out a ‘Me too’.

It only took a few more direct hits to my prostate before I came. I could feel his warmth filling inside me, both of us letting out our feelings verbally. Out of breath, I collapsed beside my prince of darkness.

After a few moments of silence, Gerard asked me, “So, you’re really not scared of me?”

I just laughed and shook my head. “Actually, I find it really sexy.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay for sexiness! <3

Cyanide Urgency