Status: I've finally decided to make this a chaptered story. Thank you for subscribing.

If You Don't Listen, You're Never Gonna Learn

Don't make me come up there!

"Sophie! What did you break this time?" I shout after hearing a loud crash from the kitchen, closely followed by a set of footsteps hurriedly making their way up the stairs.

I let out a deep sigh and rise from the couch to make my way to the kitchen. Broken glass is lying on the floor - the shards covered with soda. I shake my head to myself disapprovingly. That girl, at least she could have cleaned up after herself instead of running off like that.

"Sophie?" I call up the stairs. "Come back here at once!" No reply.

"Come back here and clean up this mess!" I shout, but there's still no answer. I think I'm about to lose patience with her childish behavior. "Sophie! Don't make me come up there!"

I wait a short moment for an answer that never comes, before I quickly make my way up the stairs, taking the steps two by two. I steer my way towards her bedroom and try the door handle. Locked. Well of course.

"Sophie?" I ask carefully. Still no answer. "Sophie, would you please open the door so I can talk to you?"

"So you're not mad at me?" she asks in a pitiful tone from the other side of the door.

"Not if you open the door at once." I can hear the lock click and the door sways open. She peeks out through the little gap between the door and the door frame, smiling insecurely at me.

"I swear I didn't mean to break the glass, it was an accident!" she starts defending herself, before I have the chance to even open my mouth.

"Accidents happen, but could you please clean up after yourself?"

"Oh, I'll do it later," she says causally. She's about to close the door again when I place my foot in the door opening, preventing it from closing.

"No now." She looks at me for a moment with her big hazel eyes before a superior smile comes across her face.

"Yeah right. I'll do it later," she says nonchalantly.

"No, I want it done now," I say definite, looking her straight in the eyes.

"Do it yourself then!" she blurts at me. "Can you please remove your foot now so I can close the damn door?" I just stand there looking at her until she kicks my foot out of the way, slamming the door shut right in front of my face.

I grit my teeth as I make my way back downstairs. Why the hell is she being so rude to me? I try hard to remember what Gerard told me before he left. He said that because of the age difference between her and her brothers she hadn't gotten that much attention growing up. That Donald and Donna had been way too easygoing with her because they didn't have either the time or guts to punish their "little princess". It wasn't like she'd been spoiled with hugs and kisses, or gifts either for that matter, it's just that no one had ever put out boundaries for her.

I decide to let it go and lay down on the couch. The warmth and the lack of activity along with a couple of beers have made me pretty tired. I slowly drift off into sleep with the sound of the television playing in the background.


I wake up with a start, the TV is still on. I sit up and massage the sore spot on the back of my neck and realize that it's dark outside. Yawning I make my way out to the dark kitchen to grab a glass of water. Just when I'm about to reach out for one of the glasses in the cupboard I feel something sharp cut its way into my foot.

"Fuck!" I curse and reach for the light switch. The shard of glass didn't cut that deep just enough to make me bleed, but I'm about to boil with anger when I realize that it's the same glass as Sophie had dropped earlier.

I glance down at my watch 02:18 A.M. She's probably asleep now, or she better be because it's over two hours past bedtime. I sneak up the stairs and carefully opens the bedroom door to check on her.

She's wide awake, sitting by her computer. I cross my arms above my chest, put on a disapproving facial expression and clear my throat. Startled she sways around to glare at me.

"What?" she asks in an irritated tone.

"It's two hours and twenty minutes past midnight, aren't you supposed to be in bed by twelve?"

"Oh, but Gerard meant twelve A.M. not twelve P.M." she smirks at me. That smart ass girl is really getting on my nerves.

"Turn off that computer at once!" I snap at her.

"No." She shoots me a death glare before turning her face back to the screen. I walk up to her and speak again.

"Turn it off now, Sophie," I say sternly through gritted teeth.

"No, I fucking won't!" she yells at me. I take a deep breath in attempt to calm myself down.

"You didn't clean up the glass after you, I fucking stepped on it! Turning off that computer and go to bed is the least you can do," I state coldly, trying my best to control myself.

"Well it's not my fault that you don't watch where you go! You could have cleaned it up yourself, jackass!"

"Just because you have everyone else wrapped around your pinkie finger doesn't mean that you can be rude and disrespectful to me! Now turn that fucking computer off and go to bed!" I bawl furiously at her.

She seems a bit taken back for a second, but replies with a defiant "no."

This is really going nowhere! I think to myself and push the button on the computer that she refuses to push herself, turning it off.

"You fucking idiot!" she bawls furiously and pour the rest of her coke over my head. I gasp as I feel the wet fabric of my t-shirt tighten over my chest and the sweet fluid soaking my hair. She jumps up from her chair and make a run for the door, but I'm too quick and manage to get a firm hold of her arm.

"You're not going anywhere," I say darkly, glaring at her. I drag her with me and push her down on the bed. "I'm fucking serious, you don't move one single muscle until I'm back!" I warn her and she just sits there in shock staring blankly at me.

I clean myself up and change into a clean shirt before I walk back to the bedroom in a rapid pace. She still sits frozen in the same spot.

"So are you going to apologize?" I ask crossing my arms over my chest. She just bite her lip and look away from me.

"I'm going to bed now. Leave," she says rudely. I walk over to her and bend down so that my face is only a few inches away from hers.

"Don't you tell me what to do, I'm the one in charge here," I whisper seriously.

"Leave me alone you fucking perv!" she shouts, slapping me across the face. That's it!

"Don't you fucking hit me!" I bawl at her. I'm no longer in control of my own body and before I know it, I have her lying across my lap, face down to the floor.

"Don't you dare laying a hand on me!" she cries, trying to get out of my iron grip.

Smirking I place my hands on her jeans covered bum and squeeze it. She gasps at the touch and I can feel how her whole body tense up under me.

"Let me go," she demands angrily. It's obvious that she's extremely embarrassed over the whole situation.

"No." I streak her bum gently in attempt to make her relax a little.

"What do you mean 'no'? Let go of me!" I can sense the panic rising in her voice and smile satisfied to myself.

"I haven't punished you yet," I say as a matter of fact.

"And you're not going to do that either, because I'm going to tell Gerard and he's going to kill you!" she threatens.

"We'll see about that," I laugh joylessly.

"But I've never been punished before!" she objects, but I just ignore her and slap her across the bottom.

She yelps in surprise and try to roll off me. I continue spanking her loosely in a definite pattern, making sure to involve the thighs as well. She squirms in discomfort and gasps for air when I start smacking her behind harder to indicate that I want her to be still. She starts sulking and hitting my legs with her fists in resistance.

"Sophie Elena Way! You better stop that at once!" I tell her sternly, giving her three hard slaps in a row to indicate my seriousness. She starts crying a silent cry, laying limp in my lap.

"I hate you," she sobs. "I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" she screams when I continue slapping her butt fiercely through the fabric. I slow down my pace and put less and less force behind the slaps.

"Please stop," she whimper. I stop spanking her and start rubbing her butt cheeks instead.

"Are you going to apologize?" I ask her.

"I'm sorry," she says pitifully.

"Are you going to be good?"

"Yes!" I let go of her and help her standing up. She avoid my gaze and looks down to the floor.

"Oh Sophie," I pull her into a gentle hug to soothe her and gently streak away the tears from her cheeks. "I hope you can forgive me for doing this," I say looking down at my hands, thinking about what they just did.

"I'll survive," she says streaking my cheek, looking me straight in the eyes. I smile weakly at her and she return a hint of a smile in response.

"Good night Sophie," I say pecking her forehead.

"Good night Frank..." she answers softly.

I leave her standing there and walk over to my guestroom across the hall to lay down on the bed. I can't deny that the past events had made me a bit excited. Under the covers I stroke myself and it doesn't take long before I have a hard on to deal with. I can't help but wondering what Sophie's doing in this very moment, maybe I'm not the only one in this house doing dirty things in the dark. That, if possible, makes me grow even harder...
♠ ♠ ♠
(I re-wrote the first chapter, it's shorter but hopefully it's better than the first version.)

Thanks for reading and subscribing, comment if you like! ;D