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Sunday Morning

Chapter Fünf

I used to suffer from insomnia.

"I know, Mr. Winters. It's in your portfolio."

Of course it is. Everything is in my portfolio, isn't it?

"Yes, Mr. Winters, everything."

Even the, well, you know?

"Yes, Mr. Winters, even that."

Back in the 10th grade, I had one of the Chinese kids, who's father was in the business, get me a fake ID. They used to joke with me about alcohol, drugs and that sort of stuff. I never responded back, never even smiled. Although, I could have. I did use the ID for drugs; I used to go to the "Open Late" pharmacy on Woodson Avenue and buy sleeping pills for the insomnia, laxatives just because, almost everything really. Fraser Larson: the alter ego that I often liked to joke with myself about.

"An alter ego, Mr. Winters?"

Yes, that's what I said wasn't it?

"You don't seem to be quite as complacent today, Mr. Winters."

You going to write that down now?

"I sense a bitter tone to your voice, Mr. Winters. Why is this so?"

Fuck off.