Status: Part Two of Three Up! Thank You For Reading!

Why Do You Follow Me?


Why do you follow me?

Since I was a baby, you’ve been watching

For seven years

Mommy said you weren’t real

I don’t believe her

Your black hair moves from the wind

Your skin is warm on mine

And your brown eyes are never ending

That means you’re real, right?

Remember when you came into my room really late?

You tickled me so much that I couldn’t stop laughing!

Mommy came in to check on me

When I told her you were with me, she told me it was a dream and to go back to sleep

Once she was gone, you told me you had to leave

That was the first time you kissed my lips

You turned all pink and walked out of the door

I fell asleep with my hand placed on my lips

They still felt tingly when I woke up

When I saw you again, I finally asked for your name

“James,” You replied

You already knew mine

We held hands; You had to bend down to reach

When it was night, you again laid down with me

You kept brushing my hair with your fingers

I noticed that you couldn’t keep your hands off of me

I giggled when you kissed the tip of my nose

You smiled

“I love you, Maxie,” That’s what Mommy always said

“I love you too, Jamesy,” You laughed and rested your head on my pillow

We fell asleep together