I Need You So Bad

Dear Diary… the Beginning.

Dear Diary,

I haven't written in you since I was 6, when my mom suggested me to do so because she thought I was unproductive and boring. I wasn't boring, I think. She always told me I was exactly like dad but I wouldn't know since he left us. How can an awkward guy be able to leave us? Well… apparently he met Gale and she was his "soul-mate".

Anyway enough about my family… I really want to write something that really big and really complicated… It's the time in my life where I have a relationship dilemma… with two guys. Yea… apparently now I have a love life... I know what you're thinking, how the fuck did that happen to you? I mean out of all the girls in California, how the heck is it happening to plain Lindy, with boring dark brown hair and lifeless brown eyes. So boring and awkward… How was this possible? Trust me, I am more mind-blown and confused than any other person here… To tell you what really happened and my side of the story, I'm going to continue writing in you. Hopefully… I find out which guy is right for me. Hopefully. Because if I don't find out soon… I might lose both of them… and honestly. I don't know how I can be the same without them….

Lindy Byramel.
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Hope you like it.. we'll meet the guys in the next chapter. :)