I Need You So Bad

How I Met Brady

Dear Diary,

So you're wondering when the problem started. It didn't start right away in full charge… but it kind of gotten ready… Like how WWII started.
(If you don't know how WWII started… WWII happened when the Nazis invaded Poland. The Allies declared war but it took them awhile before they really actually started war.)

-How I Met Brady-

Mom decided that she was going to go and make friends… so she joined the Safety Street Club, or the SSC. It was a neighborhood street protection program made by one of those crazy over protective moms. She said it would help her know the neighborhood and make new friends since we knew no one around here.

I thought it was a bad idea since the reason we moved away was because of embarrassment and that the neighbors caused the embarrassment, the fact that she wants to get friendly with the neighborhood and become friends with them was a recipe for disaster.

"Here I go." She said on her way out.

"Have fun." I said unenthusiastically.

"I love you." She said before she closed the door.

I sighed. Today was amazing, I spent the whole school day with Tom. He was his own group… and by that his own self with about 4 nerdy/freaky girls and 2 pro-gaming guys, least to say at most… they were all good-looking. Even if the girls had glasses, they would accommodate it with their tall thin nose. My nose was a pig's nose compared to them. 2 of the girls had blonde hair, 1 of the girl had dirty blonde hair, and 1 had red fiery hair.

I think the red-head had a complete crush on Tom, she kept eyeing him constantly and she also gave me scary warning looks. Tom was cute least to say…. and that thing about him being alone in all his T-A ing classes, he was just being modest.

Basically a lot of kids asked him for help, even the slutty ones… but good for me but sadly for him, his attention was towards me.

We talked and joked around, I called him out for being too modest but he smiled and made it a joke. I couldn't stop smiling the whole day when I was with him.

He made something simple to something great, like a great day. I fell asleep that night dreaming about him.

When I woke up in the morning, mom had over a neighbor. She was so pretty, she looked like one of those rich rocker moms. She had her ears all pierced… about 4 pierces. She had dark luscious hair, that I wish I had. Her nose was tall and pointed, and her aura brought me to intimidation. She was beautiful… like a rocker beautiful.

Standing next to my mom, she made my mom seem like one of those innocent nature girls. My mom looked completely opposite to her at the same time, my mom had that dark orangy- blonde color of which I am sadly to say that I didn't inherit it. My mom had deep hazel eyes too, and her lips were naturally colored pinkish red. My mom was a beauty queen, not a real beauty queen but if she went as one… she would win. Knowing by now, I didn't inherit much from my mom.

"Hey. Goodmorning." My mom greeted. I acknowledged it.

"This is Debra Corners. Her and her husband live exactly next to us." Mom said as it was the greatest and coolest thing in the world.

"Hey." Debra said, wow even her voice was rocker like. She sounded like Joan Jett combined with Demi Moore.

"Hi." I greeted.

"You're very pretty. What grade are you in?" She asks.

"10th…" I said nodding. I couldn't feel more awkward. Here I was in my light flannel jeans with a mid-long sleeve shirt on with my messenger bag put around me. I felt awkward… which was usual by now.

My tangled and messy lifeless brown hair was in a freaky ponytail too.

To say, I feel like a million bucks! Please note my sarcasm, it was very strong.

"Mom. Are you going to drive me to school?" I asked. My mom turned to look at me. Her eyes went wide..

"Oh! I forgot.. the car's at the center… last night it broke down. Debra gave me a ride home yesterday." She said to me. My eyes went wide too..

"How am I going to get to school?" I asked trying not to freak out.

"Umm.. take the bus?" My mom suggested.

"Mom! The bus went at 7 o'clock.. right now it's 7:30." I said.

"Hey… how about I ask my son to drive you. He goes to your new school." Debra suggested. I was desperate too.

"Okay… um.. where is he?" I asked.

"Come on." Debra motioned me to follow her, I did.

When I walked out the door, there seemed to be a guy getting into a blue truck. The truck seemed new and it was very big.

"Brady!" Debra yelled from our lawn. The guy must've heard because he pushed his window down.

"Yeah, mom?" He questioned. His eyes went to me. He had a smirk on his face. I looked at him weirdly, it feels as if I seen him from somewhere.

"Hey, can you give her a ride. Please?" His mom asked.

"Yea, sure…" he said. Debra motioned me to scurry along and I did. I went to the car to realize it was about 2 feet taller than me. I had to climb on the foot thing and jump into the passenger seat.

"Thanks." I said and curled my lips into my mouth.

"Speak louder." He said. I then gasped. I knew him! The impatient jerk! "Do you have autism or something?" He ask rather rudely. I scoffed but tried not to be angered by his comment.

"I don't have autism." I said.

"Well.. it seems like you do. You seem very awkward." He exclaimed while driving. If I didn't want to go to school and talk to Tom again, I would steer his wheel to doom.

"Yea.. well don't assume things, right. Have you ever heard the saying, 'If you assume, you make an ass out of u and me.'" I said looking out the window and away from him.

"Yea, well assuming things make it a start." he said. He was true about that but he's being a complete asshole. The whole car ride was in silence… the guy didn't even put on any music. We just sat there and drove to school.

Those 15 minutes seemed like 5 hours or so. When he parked the car, I said thank you and walked away as fast as possible.

"Hey." Tom greeted me during my fast walking away from Brady.

"Hey." I said and slowed down my pace. I felt my heart beating… I was also holding my breath… I didn't know why but I just did… I was nervous.

"You know Brady?" He asked me looking at Brady at the back.

"No.. not really. He just gave me a ride to school." I said nervously… but I was trying to be cool.

"Oh.. wow. He's really cool." Tom said.

"Oh, I didn't know that." I said to Tom. I didn't even care if he was cool, his asshole-ness covered his cool interior.

"Yea. I talked to him once. He was a bit blunt and straightforward but very chill dude." Tom said. I smiled. How can Tom make someone so mean like Brady seem so nice and cool.

"I guess. I don't know. We didn't talk in the car." I said.

"Ha, well… it takes time for him to know people. He hates posers and strangers." Tom exclaimed.

"Uh.. well good luck to him getting through life." I said rolling my eyes at the impossibility.

"Nah, he'll do fine. He's really good at making sense of things you know? He's also an awesome speaker." Tom said.

"Oh. Hey, have you ever watched Iron Man?" I asked… hopefully this changes the conversation… enough about Brady, I want to know Tom.

When school ended… I decided to walk home. I didn't really want to be in a car ride with Brady anymore. It was uncomfortable and scary.

Everything about him scared me a bit, it also is infuriating just sitting in the car and hear him criticize me. What did I ever do to him?

I was on my way walking out of the school, passing the parking lot before I heard someone shout, "Hey!" I turned around. It was Brady who was standing near his car. I ignored him and kept walking… maybe he was talking to someone else.

"You, hey awkward!" I turned around… that was embarrassing. I walked fast to him and went up to his face.

"What?" I asked more as if a whisper.

"Speak louder." He said… what's with him and that maxim to me.

"What?" I asked with my regular voice. He gave a crooked smile.

"Come on, let's go home." He said and went to the car door. I stood there thinking, 'What The Heck?!'

"No." I said with my semi-loud voice.

"What?" He asked. "Speak louder." He said. I scoffed.

"I'm walking. Thanks for the offer though…" I said and turned around to walk away towards the sidewalk. He didn't reply… but I did feel his eyes on me.

I had a semi-great day… if it wasn't for Brady.

I spent the whole day with Tom again. We're like peanut butter and jelly! I felt so happy being around him, I think he likes me… it's a thought. He's so sweet, today he shared food with me. It sounds like a kindergarden love but come on, what high school guy would share his food with a girl? I didn't even ask him to.

We talked about his music today because obviously… I've already told him everything about me. His music is so important to him, he carries his guitar around to practice during his free time at school. By talking to most people, I found out that not only was Tom smart… he was a genius. He was a super genius. He already did his SAT with a passing high score.

He can even go to college now if it wasn't for his decision, he felt that if he did go to college now… he'll miss out on being a lazy teenager… which wasn't the case for him. He just wanted to be a teenager for awhile longer. But being a sophomore… he was a classic whiz and the most nicest guy ever.

"Hey honey. I'm so sorry for today." My mom said and apologized to me.

"It's okay." I said.

"Why did you come home so late today?" She asks.

"I walked." I said.

"What? Are you okay?" She asked worried.

"Yea.. I'm fine." I said while eating the leftover pizza.

"Why didn't Brady drive you home?" She asked.

"I don't like him mom." I exclaimed to her.

"Why not? He seems like a sweet kid." She said.

"Are you kidding me… he isn't. He acts like a jerk." I said.

"Okay… did you even talk to him?" She asks.

"Yes.. no… it's impossible to talk to him. Every time I say something he says, "Speak louder." It's basically his maxim whenever I speak to him." I said.

"Oh… honey… You do need to work on your voice. Maybe he can't hear you or he's deaf." She said.

"I highly doubt that." I told her.

"Okay… don't judge a book by it's cover." She said.

"Well.. it's a start." I told her… I can't believe I used his words against my mom. Oh, wow… he's infuriating.
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What do you think so far? Brady or Tom? I just realized something… isn't Tom Brady a football player or something.