Status: Still a work in progress.

Juvie in New Jersey

Don't Start a Fight You Can't Finish

"Arniah, you should know better," the principal of our school scolded me.

"I probably should, but apparently I don't," I snapped back at her. I stared her in the eye and crossed my arms over my chest. Looking over at the bloody boy to my left, I noted that he might actually be kind of cute...if I hadn't beaten him to a pulp. One black eye, a broken nose, two broken vertebrae, and a fallen pride.

Principal Jackie sighed and rubbed her eyes before her fingers began tapping nervously on her desk. "I'm afraid I have no choice. You're expelled. Get your keys. Go home." I stood to leave, smiling smugly, satisfied with my hand-work. "Wait, Miss Catoma!" I froze and looked at Jackie again.

"What?" I retorted disrespectfully.

She glared at me. "Do you have something to say to Mr. O'Brien?"

I turned to face him, "I look forward to fighting better in juvee." He looked away from me though he couldn't turn his head too far. I groaned when Jackie cleared her throat. She was demanding an apology. I glared at her, then at Johnathan. I smiled again, "Don't start a fight you can't finish." I turned and walked out before either could stop me.

I'd see him in court, but he'd see me in his nightmares.