Status: Still a work in progress.

Juvie in New Jersey

My Discarded Pile of Beaten Opponents

Oh crap. I thought to myself as I realized I had backed myself into a corner. Three other girls, at least twice my size each, created a semi-circle around me. Oh crap.

One lunged for me. I should've known this would happen as soon as I stepped out of my cell. I dodged her, and she landed head-first in the wall.

I lashed out at the girl nearest me, and she ducked out of my way, nailing me in the stomach. I took in a sharp gasp of air and stumbled back a little. Day three, and I'm already in fights. God, this is gonna be a long couple months and even years. Maybe they'll learn...

I backed into the girl who had hit the wall. She had blood dripping down her forehead. I smiled at the sight, and she retalliated by shoving me forward and tripping me at the same time. I fell onto my left arm with all my weight. Shoot. At least I'm right-handed.

I stood to find blood leaking from my knees. I ignored it and proceeded to reach behind me. I grabbed her collar and threw her into the girl who had punched me in the stomach. Two down. One to go. I heard the concrete break underneath them.

"Come on. If you're brave enough," I growled, and the look in her eyes changed from fear to determination. Oh, the idiots you'll meet in the world. Especially in juvee. Especially in Jersey. She ran forward, and I dodged her first hit, but she landed one to my chest. I flew back into the wall. My head busted the brick, and blood fell down my neck. Some of it stained the concrete, but a lot of it stained my clothes. I ignored it again and ran at her, tripping her into my discarded pile of beaten opponents.