Status: Experimenting with layouts, bear with me! XOXO, Errbear

Serendipity's Diary

Why Can't You Hear?

Diary Entry #7
Mood: Laughing... Now
Date: So Long Ago

"The organ which we call the brain escapes the male species making it impossible for him to see what the hell is right in front of him."

Guess who said that?

Me! So that's the reason you can't see worth shit, but what's the reason you can't hear?

I'm referring to what has become known as "The Infamous Liz Lit. Studies Incident".

We were sitting in Lit. Studies. Liz sat talking to Rena about nothing significant, or so I thought.

The entire grade was currently obsessing over superlatives. The only superlative not voted for?

Class couple.

I would like to start by pointing out, Ryan, that had you and I been together, which I was not counting on, class couple would have been an extremely embarrassing title. Just another reason for our friends to mess with us.

I also find that class couple is a classic case of what I call AHB. Authority Hypocritical Behavior. Couples at our school are not to show any PDA, but class couples are expected to hug for a yearbook photo? I don't like hypocrisy.

If I'm being honest, though, it would have been really cute!

But back to the matter at hand. Liz was talking to Serena. The conversation went something like,

Liz: We don't have any class couples this year. Ryder and Ryan should get together so we can have one this year!

That's actually all there was to the conversation. The thing about Liz: she has no inside voice and you were sitting at least five feet away.

I sat on the other side of the room with Rynaldi and others and I heard. I walked over, cursed at her under my breath and walked away.

That's the short version. I think I should take this time to say to Liz: I'm sorry for that and no, I will NOT stop holding this over your head.

But what I don't understand is if I heard it across the room and you were five feet away, why didn't you hear it?

Did you hear it and you just didn't say anything?

Because if that's the case, that definitely makes you an asshole.

Searching for Serendipity,
♠ ♠ ♠
I love you guys times a million and I would love to hear your ideas and criticism!
