Status: Experimenting with layouts, bear with me! XOXO, Errbear

Serendipity's Diary

Welcome to Bitchtopia

Diary Entry #8
Mood:... This hurts a little
Date: Recent

Ok, I think I'm okay to write a little more about London.

I would like to begin by saying that I had, nor do I currently have, any problem with the girls mentioned in this chapter. I love them all to death. I believe that they are all sweethearts, and pleasures to be around.

Nevertheless, I was willing and ready to mentally and verbally kick ass for London, for anyone who had been betrayed by their "friends" for that matter.

I think the reason I felt so strongly about this was that I saw myself in her eyes. I saw myself whenever she texted the words "I think I'm gonna cry." I saw the little girl that is stuck inside of me who still cares what people think and say.

I think I finally saw that I wasn't the only one.

So during these fast few weeks, London was pushed further out of her inner circle. Her "friends" talked behind her back, treated her like shit and she took it. What else could she do?

Most surprising of all? I became a spy.

If you don't know Layla Nair very well, she's a sweetheart. Most times.

One word that really describes her? She's a follower. I'm going to reiterate that I love her and have no problem with her.

I'm also going to be honest and say that I don't think I trust her.

For a while, London found refuge in a few friends, Layla being one of them. And then there was the party.

Layla threw a small party on a Saturday night, inviting a few of the girls from school. I was one of those few.

London, surprisingly, was not. London asked me to find out why. I don't know if it was right to do it, but I don't regret it.

It turns out that inviting London "would have been awkward for all the girls she used to hang out with." There was more, about how she was upset about not getting invited to a different party.

The first excuse? Pure bullshit. The second I will say I understand.

What I don't understand is why fake it? Why did Layla have to pretend to be London's friend if she was only going to stab her in the back?

Why do girls feel the need to be mean and try to cover it up? Why not be up front about it?

I have spent the past three years living in Bitchtopia, and still I will never know.

Searching for Serendipity,
♠ ♠ ♠
There's something about this one. I don't know if I like the quality of my writing in this one. If you agree, I would love for you to tell me and check back later. I think I'm going to rewrite it. I love you guys!!! Thank you to all my readers!
