Status: Experimenting with layouts, bear with me! XOXO, Errbear

Serendipity's Diary

Saved by the Bell

Diary Entry #11
Mood: Can't Stop Laughing
Date: The Day I Think You Found Out

Ryan, I'm feeling bold. I'm feeling adventurous. I'm feeling... high.

At least, I must be after what I'm about to do. I'm going to say it straight and keep it real for both of us.

You're probably not reading this, even though I've signed each of these to you.

Well, if you ARE reading this, stop being an ass and show me.

I hate to go all Britney Spears on you, but... give me a sign. Hit me, baby, one more time.

Okay I'm done being corny, back to being real. If you're reading this, just smile next time you see me.

If you understand what I'm saying and what I'm feeling, wave. Or wink. Winking is good. No, just say hi.

If you feel the same... well, I'll let you handle that one.

Now, let's go to another of those crazy moments that still makes me smile when I think about it.

It was a Wednesday. I remember because I had to cheerlead for something and I got to leave early. The moment when dissmissal was called was one of the happiest moments of my life.

I'm going to introduce two new characters to you. I'm sure you know them well. They're so close your friends think they're dating.

They're not. Sorry to burst your fragile, perverted male bubbles.

Enter Sarabella and Kerah. They are... different. Hated by most. They make almost everyone uncomfortable. But Belle and Rah are harmless. I have spent most of the last three years cursing anyone out who dares speak bad about them. Call me crazy. I call it loyalty.

Despite how much I love and trust them, they were the last people to find out about you. I told them to guess who it was and Belle finally said, "Please tell me it's not Ryan." She said your name like it was a curse, which was ironic, because she curses like a sailor.

When I finally told them that it was you, they had a field day.

"Ryder and Ryan sittin in a tree..."

What else can I say? K-I-S-S-I-N-G.

Who should be sitting near by but Britney, one of your closest girl friends.

"Oh my god, you like RYAN?!?!?" she near yelled.

Shit! Shit shit! Shit shit shitty shit!

"No," Belle said. "He likes... her."


Brit didn't buy it. "I'm gonna tell him."

Now, I know Brit pretty well. I love her to death. I think we all knew she was crazy, but I missed the moment when she lost her mind. So, I didn't even bother telling her no.

My mistake.

She didn't say anything else about it; I thought she'd forgotten. I was wrong.

We sat in Lit. Studies, I on the floor nearby, you in your desk next to Britney.

"So, Ryan, you like Ryder?"

You flipped.


"I just asked," was Brit's reply. Did you believe that?

I kept my eyes trained forward, pretending to actually give a shit what Mr. Travesty had to say. And then I was dissmissed.

I didn't get to hear your answer, but I didn't care. I was saved by the bell.

Searching for Serendipity,
♠ ♠ ♠
I don't have much to say today. Except... I LOVE YOU!!!
