Status: Experimenting with layouts, bear with me! XOXO, Errbear

Serendipity's Diary

5 Things People May (Or May Not) Know About Me

Diary Entry #13
Mood: Amused
Date: Doesn't Matter

Ok, Ryan, I think I know for a fact that you're reading now, so let's try something different. If you're reading, SAY SOMETHING! I've definitely started something I can't take back, so just.... say... something. To me, to Ryn, I don't care. I just need to know what you're thinking. Now that that's over, it's time for an update!

1) Jessie is just fine! She's been going to therapy. Apparently she draws now. I have yet to see a drawing, but I haven't seen any more scars.
2) Serena's crush? Is obsessed with some other girl. Gee, where have I heard that story before?
3) Ryn and Javier? They're together now. My best friend has a boyfriend, therefore making me the lonely friend. She has had tried relentlessly to get me to speak to you. I guess this is my method of doing so.
4) You remember that day when Britney asked if you liked me? I finally found out your response. You shrugged. Didn't you learn to say yes or no like everyone else? You should have, but the way the girls and I see it, at least you didn't say, "Eww!"

I feel like this entry needs more. Here goes nothing.

5 Things People May (Or May Not) Know About Me
1) I'm easily annoyed. I get into bad moods sometimes. But you have successfully ruined many of my bad moods. Thanks a lot. Note sarcasm.

2) I'm opinionated. I'm at my best when I can say exactly what I think. I have been told that this is one of my best traits. I think this is one of the reasons people enjoy hanging out with me. It's also one of the reasons they think I'm a witch.

3) Umm... let's see. I have 2 older stepbrothers. I'm really close with my younger older brother, although we are ten years apart. I wish more than anything that I could see him more often. I wish he could drive me to school everyday. I wish he could meet all my friends. I wish he could meet... you. But that will never happen, because he's already promised to embarrass me in front of the first guy I really like. He's crazy and I can't take that chance.

4) I hate it when I feel like I'm being uptight. I know how to let loose and be the fun side of myself but it's hard, for some reason. So, I'll make you a promise. You say or do something in response to me when you read this, whether it's "Hi," or you just wave, and I will let myself out of my shell. Just a little.

5) I love quotes. A few of my favorites:

"Judge me and I'll prove you wrong.
Tell me what to do and I'll tell you off.
Say I'm not worth it and watch where I end up.
Call me a BITCH and I'll show you one.
Screw me over, and I'll do it to you twice as bad.
Call me crazy... you have no idea!"

"She's got a smile on her face and a "screw you" attitude cuz starting today she living her life for her and nobody else. On the outside, you know you're not the same innocent little girl anymore. You've been through too much lately. But deep down, at your core, there will always be a part of you that rejects reality & is eternally hopeful."

" I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels. Life's a bitch. You've got to go out and kick ass."
~Maya Angelou aka my inspiration for life

"If someone shows you who they are, believe them."
~Maya Angelou

Or to rephrase that last one, my personal favorite:

"Shit fire and save matches. Fuck a duck and see what hatches.
~Steven Tyler

Yep. Gotta love Steven Tyler.

Well, that's all I want you to know about me... for now.

I leave you as always:

Searching for Serendipity,
♠ ♠ ♠
It's sort of a filler chapter, unfortuantely. I've got plenty of inspiration though!

Thanks for reading! Hi to all my friends from school who are reading! You guys make this possible!

Love you for commenting & subscribing!
