Status: Experimenting with layouts, bear with me! XOXO, Errbear

Serendipity's Diary

Who Were They For?

Diary Entry #16
Mood: I Don't Know What To Feel
Date: February 14th, 2012

There's not much left to write about, so I've decided to write about the beginning.

The beginning of the end.

As every girl does, when she has a crush, because that's all this was, I imagined what it would be like if you and I were ever together.

I would call you "babe" and you would have some cute nickname for me. You'd let me wear your sweatshirt when I got cold. I would rest my head on your shoulder when I was tired or upset. We would hold hands and poke fun at each other. You would walk with your arm around my shoulder and kiss my cheek.

In other words we would put Ryn and Javier to shame.

Of course, this was only in the deepest recesses of my mind, in my wildest dreams.

But back to the beginning of the end. Check out the date on this one. Look familiar, Cassanova?

February 14th. Valentine's Day.

I'm going to be honest. I never took you for the romantic type. Until we walked into Literature Studies and there were roses on your desk.

There is this stupid thing at our school where they sell roses on Valentine's Day. Another example of adult contradictory behavior. You don't encourage couples, but you encourage Valentine's Day? Horse shit. But it's okay. I never cared for it or about it, because even two years ago when I did have a boyfriend, I never got flowers. Amazing boyfriend, right?

Actually, he was a sweetheart. He would have made you look like an idiot.

Too bad he's gone. And I like you instead.

When Rynaldi saw those flowers on your desk, she went nuts.

"Ryan, who are all those roses from?"

"No one," you replied. I was sitting right next to Ryn as usual, trying hard to look like I didn't give a fuck. Did it work?

"So, they're for someone?" You didn't answer.

This only pushed Rynaldi further over the edge. "Who are they for, Ryan? Ryan, who are they for? Ryan, WHO ARE THE FLOWERS FOR?"

Finally you reiterated, "No one."

"Well, I know who you should give them to."

You walked away. What had Ryn done?

You had been really flirty with me in the days before, but I never expected them to be for me. The Saints were a different story entirely.

But we all had the same question on our minds.

Who were they for?

Searching for Serendipity,
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm finally at the interesting part! I love you guys for reading!
