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Serendipity's Diary

A Small Victory

Diary Entry #24
Mood: Victorious
Date: March 1st, 2012

I count today as a victory. Today was the first day I didn't wake up, think of school, think of Lit. Studies, and then think of you.

I thought about feigning illness so I didn't have to see you, or anyone else for that matter. It didn't work. 98.0. Damn thermometer.

Don't get me wrong. I'm over you, but you cross my mind whenever we are in the same room. I still stare when you walk by, not that you would notice.

Today Tia and I were in the same group for class. You stared at her a couple times but I'm almost positive I saw you looking at me more often. Our eyes would seem to meet and we would both look away, just like old times. Am I seeing things? Are you still just playing with me? Or was there a reason you were staring?

We had class outside today. It was windy. There were bees. Your friends ran from them. You didn't. I guess because you're just manly like that. At least, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. This part is so choppy, I guess because there are a million things I want to say, but they are all things I don't even have the courage to say here.

One of your friends professed himself a male stripper today. He joked around with that for awhile. Everyone laughed. You caught my eye a few times. Even after the girl you'd been chasing for a while turned you down, you still laughed with such abandon. I'm happy to say I felt that way as well.

It was, however, a little annoying to watch you enjoy yourself, because I felt, just a little, like crap.

Searching for Serendipity,
♠ ♠ ♠
My life is a work in progress, so if you still find it interesting, keep reading. I hope you still enjoy it.

Thanks to all my faithful readers! And a big thanks to my characters, in real life! They really are amazing!
