Status: Experimenting with layouts, bear with me! XOXO, Errbear

Serendipity's Diary


Diary Entry #26
Mood: Uh-oh
Date: March 8th, 2012

Today changed things. As we have already established, I don't like you anymore. Why? If I'm being honest, it's because you like her. And not me.

But today, I was walking back to Mrs. Divine's room & you were walking past alongside of one of my friends.

I said hi to her and you called my name as you walked by. I guess that was your way of saying hello.

I smiled and waved, continuing past. Then I realized that I was making that face I used to make when you would turn your head in the opposite direction. You know, that "OMG-he-just-talked-to-me" face? It's pretty generic. I'm sure you've seen it on other girls before. Just never directed at you. And then I realized.

I'm not supposed to like you anymore. I DON'T like you anymore.

Kerah says it's called lying to yourself and that I've done a very bad job. Unfortunately, she's right.

It was never love. I don't like that word. I hate it when people call it that. It's just too much.

No, I didn't fall back in love.

I just tripped over like for a second time. Or maybe, the first time I tripped, I never got up.

Searching for Serendipity,
♠ ♠ ♠
Keep reading! There's sooo much more to tell! And I'm so glad I get to share my story with all of you!
