Status: Experimenting with layouts, bear with me! XOXO, Errbear

Serendipity's Diary

Dreaming in Color

Diary Entry #31
Mood: Not Sure
Date: March 22nd, 2012

I should really keep a dream journal, but Serendipity's Diary will do just fine.

Last night, I dreamt and two separate dreams stuck out for me. I couldn't identify the locations of each dream, which scares me because sometimes my dreams have a tendency to come true.

In the first dream, we sat with a large group. It looked like our chorus class. I heard you say all of a sudden, "I guess I have a girlfriend now!" The dream version of myself jerked her head to look in your direction to see you sitting next to Tia.

One of the girls in the class asked, "What's wrong with you, Ryder?"

"What?" I asked. "I was just a little uncomfortable so I shifted."

"Noooo." Everyone said. "You were moving your head in their direction."

"No I wasn't!" I replied.

And then you spoke.

"Yes, you were." You rolled your eyes and seemed annoyed.


We have our chorus class trip to Carowinds soon. There's room for this to happen. That scares the shit out of me.

I felt myself curl up in my bed; even the embarrassment in my dream was too much. And then the second dream started.

The second dream I've had before, a long time ago. I was somewhere, talking to some guy. He apparently said something to upset me and I jumped at him, crying and screaming. Someone held me back and another guy stepped forward. I swear he kinda looked... like... you.

And what did you do, my knight in shining armor? You kicked his ass.

For he record, I never really wanted a knight in shining armor, but in that moment in my dream, it felt good to see someone fight for me.

But, like I said, I've had the dream before and I'm not quite sure if it's really you. So that one doesn't count. I wish it did.

But here's the thing: I know it's only in my dreams, but they say if you dream something more than once, it's bound to come true.

And I've seen you in them so many times.
Searching for Serendipity,
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok so we are up-to-date!

But I have a question. If you are reading entries on the day that they ACTUALLY happen to me, would that ruin the suspense or feeling of the story? Tell me what you think. Leave a comment! Comment and subscribe!

Love you!!!
