Status: Experimenting with layouts, bear with me! XOXO, Errbear

Serendipity's Diary

Leaving for DC

Diary Entry #32
Mood: Excited
Date: March 26th, 2012

Today was my first day back after filming. I didn't like being back at school as much as I thought I would, but it was a busy day.

We found out today who we are rooming with in DC. Sarabella's roommates are London's tormentors. Sucks for her. I feel bad for her. She's going to be with the very people who used to make her life a living hell and are now her "friends". But I have to be optimistic, so I'm done talking about that.

I feel pretty good about my room. We should have fun!

We can't take iPod touches. I guess it's a good thing I can't find mine (it's not lost!) and I'm stealing my little sister's shuffle. I guess I'll be the only one with music. Sucks for the rest of you!

But I have a problem. I LOVE my music. And people LOVE to talk to me when I'm wearing headphones! I'm thinking of writing this on my forehead:


What do you think? Too long? Doesn't matter. I'll figure something out.

Today was an interesting day. The highlight?

I saw you, like, fling your arm in my direction. (Did you throw something at me?) And you looked at me. I smiled and waved.

Well, we leave for DC tomorrow! So ready for the dinner cruise! Do me a favor, Ryan? Ask me to dance?

Like I said, I feel pretty good about my room, but I have a feeling that this trip might lead to another visit to Bitchtopia. Dancing with you would be the best counteract.

Searching for Serendipity,
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey you guys! I'm finally back from Washington, DC! I missed you soooo much and now I have four days of writing to do, so here we go!
