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Serendipity's Diary

What Could That Mean?

Diary Entry #35
Mood: Anxious
Date: March 29th, 2012

We have finally arrived. Today is the day of the dinner cruise, but of course there is touring to be done first.

We started today off at the Capitol building. I expected another boring day of touring, but I was wrong. Very wrong.

At the Capitol Building we watched some stupid video about Congress, but the good thing about it was that you sat behind me. And you were up to your usual tricks.

“Ryder!” you whispered. I smiled to myself. Here we go again.

“Ryder!” you whispered again.

“Yes?” I asked without looking back at you. Of course, you didn’t answer.

Finally I broke. I turned around to look at you. You were looking in the opposite direction.

You… ANNOYING… IDIOTIC… EXTREMELY cute boy. I hate you.

Why do you do this to me again? I’m starting to think you know how I feel about you and you just do these things to keep me hanging on. Is that what it is? Does it just feel good to know that someone likes you, so you lead me on?

The answer I know all too well. Hell yeah.

There was more meaningless touring after this, but we’ll skip to the part where you continued to mess with me.

Later we walked around and our teachers stopped our entire group on a set of steps outside of a building. All 60 of us, at least. We were spread out among the stairs until we were notified that our teachers and chaperones wanted to take a picture.

“Everyone bunch in!” Mr. Travesty shouted. He began suggesting where everyone should move to. He then spoke directly to you.

“Ryan, why don’t you move in behind Ryder?” Did I mention how much I love that man?

So, you sat behind me again. I listened to you talk about God-knows-what with one of your friends and then you started the torture routine. You tapped my shoulder. Multiple times.

God! How the hell do you expect me to respond when you do shit like that? Am I supposed to turn around and say, “I like you! Please ask me out!”

Because if that’s what you’re wanting, I won’t do it. I have too much pride.

I also don’t have the guts.

Our group made our way back to our hotel as the touring day came to a close. It was time to get ready for the dinner cruise.

My roommates and I had one of the biggest rooms, holding 6 people, 2 bathrooms and two adjoining rooms. We were also the room where there was a curling iron, flat iron and plenty of hairspray to be found. So, while getting ready for the dinner cruise, our room was the place to be. That would have been amazing, except for the fact that the door never shut.

I got ready pretty quickly. Except for my hair. Even with 10 people at our room at one point, no one had the time to help me. I’ve done something cute with my hair all week: side ponytail, pigtails, a cute beret, all with my bangs hanging in front. Now what?

Luckily I was able to find a friend who was ready to go and had nothing to do. Turns out, I didn’t need to do much to my hair. She curled my bangs into a little ringlet and it swooped to the side when the curl fell. My friend spoke as she did my hair. “We have to make sure you look good for… what’s his name? Ryan?”

I laughed. “Yeah, that’s his name. Ryan.” She put on the finishing touches.

“Now you look perfect.” I hugged her, thanking her profusely and walked out of my noisy, overcrowded room into the quiet hallway.

There was a full length mirror that hung there; I’d used it multiple times. I wore a purple dress with a flower on the hip, black flats and a black shawl on top. Granted, I didn’t look like all the other girls. Some, like Serena, Janie, or Liz looked amazing because people weren’t used to seeing them in dresses. Others looked “amazing” because they wore dresses that were too short and too tight, making them look like the prostitutes we somewhat suspected they were.

Nevertheless, I felt good about my appearance, because I was going to have a good time, no matter what. Or so I thought.

Anyway, as it grew time to leave, I turned the corner of the hallway into what Liz called “boy’s territory” to take the stairs, instead of the elevator. I was walking with Janie and neither of us had the key to the room, so we were going to take the stairs down to the lobby, get the key and come back up. When I turned around, I was halfway down your hall and I realized that Janie wasn’t behind me. So I started back, and then I heard a voice.

No, it wasn’t you, Ryan, it was one of your friends. He came out of the room and stood in the doorway.

I was the only other person on the hallway. He shouted behind me, “Uh-oh!” He didn’t mean it in a bad way. He meant it more like “Look at her!” or “He-llo!” or “*insert dog whistle here* Lookin’ good!” It was flattering.

What he said next nearly stopped me in my tracks. “HEY RYAN, COME HERE!” Instead of stopping me, I sped up and walked faster.

He’d seen me coming down the hall and called for you! What was I supposed to think?
What could that mean?

Searching for Serendipity,
♠ ♠ ♠
More to come for this day. Keep reading. Comment & subscribe! Love you!
