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Serendipity's Diary

Something Crazy

Diary Entry #36
Mood: Slightly Disappointed
Date: March 29th, 2012

We made our way to the lobby. Somehow it always took the guys longer to get ready than the girls. Go figure.

Finally the first few boys came around the corner, and as if by routine, the next few guys began to stream out into the lobby and stand in their groups, some even mixing in with the girls. And then you rounded the corner.

I don’t think you saw me, but I definitely saw you. You looked nice, a tie, dress pants. As you walked by, I must admit I was filled with a confidence of some kind. I felt like something was going to happen that night. Something… incredible. Something unbelievable.

I was right.

As we boarded the bus, I was not annoyed at the fact that I did not have my music. In fact, I stared out the window with what I imagine was an extremely dreamy look on my face. I gave a silly smile to the drivers of the cars that passed by. I noticed the beauty in the cherry blossoms that I hadn’t paid attention to at all. I even socialized a little, laughing as Janie tried to convince Rose to wear mascara. That night was going to be wonderful. Nothing was going to mess it up.

We got to the dock and, of course, had to wait outside. We were waiting for about an hour or so, just standing there. A line of girls and a line of guys. You and I ended up standing nearly right across from each other in line, by chance of course. The lines quickly broke into small groups of people talking and laughing. You were surrounded by your friends, I was surrounded by mine. I made sure to stand where I could see you, though.

It seemed like you had the same idea. I saw your eyes wander and rest on me a few times. I think our eyes even met. Why didn’t I smile? Why didn’t I wink? Why didn’t I wave? I should’ve done something! Damn it, Ryder!

But never mind that. Had you smiled, I would have smiled back. You didn’t.

I was still hopeful. I thought something might happen. After the hour was over, we finally entered. We sat down on opposite sides of the small space reserved for our school. Everyone ate and talked, and then I walked outside on to the deck. The view was amazing. The wind blew, and I felt like I was on top of the world.

When I went back inside, the dancing had already started. My friends and I rushed to join in on a simple line dance. I could see you sitting in your seat. Were you gonna dance at all, I wondered.

I continued to dance the entire night, going through a conga line and everything. All while you sat in your seat. There was a dance contest. I refused to participate in that, but I cheered my friends on and you did the same.

There was another line dance. Fun fact about me: I love to dance. You already know that. I really love line dances, though. So I got up and danced. I could see you watching. You didn’t react. You know, a smile or a frown or an eye roll. That was okay, because one way or another, I was having fun. So yes, I did show off, but not for you. I was showing off for all the other people who thought they could dance half as well as I could. I think I succeeded.

You weren’t the only guy who watched me dance. I caught the new guy to school watching me. He was smiling. I don’t know him, though, and I’m not going to name him here because he’s not important to my story. I hope.

You finally did dance. In fact, almost everyone did. Dancing for everyone else consisted of jumping up and down. I preferred to stay on the ground; I therefore stayed on the outskirts of the small dance floor.

This was smart of me, because in the middle of the dance floor, something crazy was happening.

Searching for Serendipity,
♠ ♠ ♠
Just keep reading! I am entering Serendipity's Diary into this contest: One Day I Will. I'm entering as number 1: One day I will tell him how I really feel. Of course this is the entire theme of the story and I really feel like I might be able to win! So, I might have to stop writing for a while, starting on the 8th. But just keep reading until then! If I decide to stop writing for a while, I will definitely make sure I start writing something else for you guys to read! Love you!
