Status: Experimenting with layouts, bear with me! XOXO, Errbear

Serendipity's Diary

All Your Fault

Dairy Entry #1
Mood: Reminiscent
Date: Who gives a shit?
Ryan, this one is addressed to you.
Fun fact about me: I had always been a cocky bitch. I had a big mouth and strong opinions. I said what I meant and invited anyone who didn't like that to bend over and kiss my short, belligerent ass.

Until there was you. I let you steal that from me whenever you were around, leaving me vulnerable, shy and stupid. You stole my control. I never knew how to feel about that.

The funny thing was that you and I were barely even friends. I was just another girl for you to play around with while you were bored in Literature Studies. I was okay with that.

In case you ever got to wondering, these are some things about me that you would know if you and I were friends:

1. My favorite color is purple. I would have loved it had you known this and this alone.

2. I love music and I listen to everything. This was one of my conversation starters that I have yet to use. It would help if I knew what type of music you were into. Somehow you don't strike me as the regular rap type.

3. My favorite band is Queen. I know they're "old", but I heard you humming Another One Bites the Dust one day and I nearly kissed you. My favorite Queen song is Somebody to Love. Ironic, much?

4. I LOVE CHOCOLATE!!! I think you probably knew this from that fateful day on February 14th when you offered Ryn leftover chocolate and she said no. I guess I was your second choice. I digress.

5. I think your eyes are pretty. For me, looking you into those beautiful eyes is like looking into the light of the sun. It's not supposed to be done. I always did like challenges.

6. I have been planning for a while to kill you. Maybe I'm just bitter because you don't notice me. I know pre-meditated murder is a much longer jail sentence, but I definitely need a plan. Just in case you look at me with those eyes... Maybe I should stab you in them and get it over with. Ok, I didn't want you to know that one. I hope I haven't scared you away. I'm a nice girl, I promise! I just like to get my way.

7. I write poetry. Love poems. I promise they aren't all about you!!! Ok, most of them are. But you were NOT my obsession. You were... my inspiration.

Just a list of things I wanted you to know, in case you ever started wondering. If you actually cared, I would be flattered, surprised, and worried.

Flattered because you only paid me attention when I was starting to doubt your feelings for me and mine for you.

Surprised because it meant you thought of me as often as I thought of you.

I would worry because I would think you'd gotten a concussion playing football for our school. I would know that the only thing left for me to do would be to grab a bat and repeatedly knock some sense in to you.

If I haven't scared you away, Ryan, I hope you continue to read Serendipity's Diary. I hope you enjoy my sappy love poems and I hope you realize how much courage it takes for me to write my story, our story, down for all to see.

Because I don't know how much courage I have left. Life goes on, even without it. That is all your fault.

Searching for Serendipity,
♠ ♠ ♠
I like this chapter. It's a little strange, like me, but I like it. Tell me if you see any screw ups with grammar and wording. I'm usually pretty good about that, but this is my first story and I'm nervous!!!