Status: Experimenting with layouts, bear with me! XOXO, Errbear

Serendipity's Diary

A Bitch With An Attitude

Diary Entry #37
Mood: Pissed
Date: March 29th, 2012

I did dance, although not with you. I danced with Zoe and with Liz and even with Serena, but not with you. And that was okay! I was having fun! I'd gotten Serena to dance of her own free will, for crying out loud! But they weren't you. I'd been getting funny looks from you and even some of your friends for days and then there was that situation in the hallway. Remember when I was wondering what that meant?

Turned out it didn't mean jack shit.

While I was dancing with my girlfriends, you and your guy friends were dancing, and so were the new honorary sluts.

They had formed their own sort of clique and at the center of it all? Chloe Trainer.

She used to be a part of the "mean popular" girls and now she'd turned the "nice popular" girls into a group of bitches.

I take that back. Only one of them out of the group is a bitch and she was that way before Chloe. But lately, she had been doing a very good job of hiding it.

You know that I hated Chloe until the beginning of this year. I didn't like who she was, but I liked what she stood for. She was, and still is, a Southern girl with a thick accent and strong Christian values, which are a good thing, but maybe we can get into my philosophy on religion later. Sometimes I thought her values were a little too strong.

I kinda want to take this time to give fair warning to the girls formerly known as The Saints. Some of the things I'm about to say might get a little... PG-13. This will come in the form of innuendos that you may or may not understand. I have no doubt that you can handle what is about to be said, but if you have any questions... ask Ryn. I am not going to put myself in another stripper incident scenario.

Enter Nick. New guy, good looking. Good manners, funny. He seemed sweet. He was well-liked and Sarabella has had a crush on him since the beginning of the year.

It would probably be nice to mention now that Chloe vowed this year to be friends with everyone. She was doing a pretty good job of it. She had even developed a friendship with Sarabella and Kerah. That was an accomplishment. She'd even managed to change my opinion of her. She was cool with me. I liked her.

She and Sarabella had created a bond based on Bella's crush on Nick. Chloe talked to him for her, I guess. I personally found that to be a million degrees of stupid, but whatever.

Turned out, Nick had a crush on Chloe. He asked her to dance a few days before the cruise and she'd said yes. Sarabella didn't know for a while and I had been elected by my roommates to be the one to tell her. And I did. At that point, she already knew.

I could see that she still liked him through it all. I recognized the look in her eyes every time he walked by. I imagine it was the same look I had for a while after Valentine's Day.

So the dancing continued, with the "sluts" in the middle of the action. I'm only reciting what I heard in this next part, but apparently two of the guys were a little... excited while watching them dance. Very excited. I know you can't believe everything you hear, but somehow I don't doubt it.

I saw you talking trying to talk to one of the "sluts" while she was dancing. She couldn't be bothered. She was too busy looking like a prostitot.

It's not a huge deal. I don't think you like her. She's just one of your many girl friends. And she'd never go for a guy like you. I say this because I know select girls from my friend group might flip when they read this. Ryn has already heard you talking to the same girl before. She says you should stop flirting with her and come talk to me. Needless to say, I agree.

I couldn't help noticing Chloe and Nick dancing. She danced like a normal person, unlike her friends. He was grinding on her leg. You could tell that she was extremely uncomfortable, but she never once pushed him away.

Do I have a right to be pissed off about that? The Christian girl who had put me under fire for cursing was letting some perverted little asshole grind on her?

Maybe not, but I've officially lost what little respect I used to have for her.

And somewhere else on the dance floor Sarabella had made a few new friends.

I forgot to mention that there was another school on the cruise. They were from...The Middle Of Nowhere, Ohio. While the Westlake kids were dressed up in dresses and suits with only the occasional boy in jeans and Zoe in her white dress and Converse, they all wore jeans and t-shirts, with the occasional girl in a tight mini dress.

We were two completely different atmospheres thrown together in one place.

We didn't really talk to them. One girl told me she liked my dress. I said thank you, we moved on. That was it.

But Sarabella. Sarabella was making new friends. And these new friends were going to get her into trouble.

She was dancing all on this guy, and I will admit. She looked like an idiot. Everyone left the dance floor in large groups, annoyed by the stupidity that was taking place. (Sarabella, you know I love you, babe, but I'm compelled to tell the truth.)

I felt the urge to leave as well, but something stronger told me that Sarabella was going to need me, so I stayed. I clapped my hands to the beat of the music and laughed. I think I even danced on the outskirts a little. It was still fun.

Out of nowhere, some girl jumps out at Bella. Bella is backing up and she backs into the crowd of people that still surround the floor. The girl is still close to her. Too close. And then it's over. That was the next to last dance.

The next song was old. I didn't even know it. So the dance floor cleared except for chaperones and a few friends and I. We were going to dance anyway. I remember passing you on the way back to the floor. You were shaking your head about how you weren't gonna dance to that song. I laughed as I walked past you. You just looked at me.

When the last dance was over, I went to find Bella. She and I had spent almost all of the last few days together. We'd linked arms while touring, talked on the bus, held hands and reassured each other before walking into the Holocaust Museum. I wanted her to retell the events of her night. I could only hope she'd had as much fun as I did.

She began to talk as soon as she saw me. "That girl kissed me!"

I tried to calm her down. I didn't need her to upset herself. But, as always, news travels fast. Soon, everyone knew about it. And they all had an opinion.

I personally believed that it wasn't as big a deal as everyone else made of it. The only person who had a right to be upset was Sarabella. But I was one of maybe three people who saw it that way.

Remember when I told you Sarabella had to share a room with Chloe and her friends?

Well, Chloe Trainer was talking loudly on the other side of the small space.

"Yeah, we're just gonna sleep with the covers way up tonight and we're not gonna talk to her."

That bitch! It's not classy, I know, but that is the only way I know how to describe her. Besides, I've learned that every girl should be a girl with a dream, a bitch with an attitude, and a lady with class.

In that moment, I was a bitch with an attitude.

Searching for Serendipity,
♠ ♠ ♠
I just realized that this part of the story is so long, it's gonna take at least one more entry to finish telling it! I just have to tell you about the end of that night!

I'm on spring break right now, so I'm kind of at a loss for what to write about. Soooo... this is what we are going to do.

YOU leave me a comment on my profile or here on the story telling me what you want me to write about. Doesn't matter what it is. If you want me to include more of my poetry in the story, I can throw in another poem or two. If you want me to write about my opinion on something, I can do that. If you want more quotes or more things I wish people knew about me, I can do that. Or if there's something I wrote that you want more elaboration, I can do that.

I will make sure that I write about EVERY suggestion, so tell me what you think!

Thanks for reading! Comment and subscribe!
