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Serendipity's Diary

Being "Cute" and Being Accosted

Diary Entry #44
Mood: Laughing
Date: April 21st, 2012

So, I realized that in recounting the events of yesterday's State Festival, I left out some very interesting events.

To start, we'll talk about something that happened after our performance for State Festival.

By the time our performance was over, I was tired and I was annoyed with Jessie and I was zoned out. I didn't feel like talking to anyone. So I was standing in one place and Ryan walked over with one of his friends. Neither of them said anything to me, they just stood there talking to each other.

I was staring at the ground, trying to relax, when one of the girls from our chorus walked over to me.

She stood right in front of me, making me come back to reality.

"Hi," I said, confused. "Can I help you?"

She laughed. "You just look so cute today!"

I laughed back. "Thank you!" I remind you that I am the shortest girl in every group, so I get that a lot.

Ryan's friend made a noise under his voice. "Hmm."

Now, Ryan's friend and I have known each other since the third grade. We have a love-hate relationship that consists of lots and lots of hate. The love is somewhere deep, deep down.

Anyway, the girl who was talking to me turned to Ryan's friend. "What are you trying to say?"

He replied, looking at me. "Just what I said, eww." So he didn't think I was cute. Whatever.

But Ryan laughed. I didn't say anything then, so I'm saying it now: Gee, thank you so very much, Ryan, for defending my honor. What's next? Are we punching kittens or kicking bunnies? One of these days you will make a great boyfriend, she says sarcastically.

I definitely would have cursed at his friend playfully or jokingly had we not been in a church. It was Friday and I was not in the mood to be struck down.

And now begins the second story I wanted to tell. After our performance, we went to eat at the mall food court. I was sitting with a bunch of the girls from the chorus class, including Janie and Jessie, when a group of guys came over to sit behind us.

We ignored them until they tried to get our attention. They were decidedly older than we were, maybe 15 or 16. I was in the middle of a sentence with Jessie when one of the guys tried to get my attention.

"Excuse me." I turned around.

"Yes?" I answered.

They pointed at one of the guys in their group. "The guy in the Mohawk... how does he look?"

I laughed and sipped on my drink, turning back to my friends. The boys began to laugh and soon left.

Then my friends and I realized: We'd just been hit on in the mall! Most of the other girls in my group looked old enough to be about their age, but I'm the smallest in the group. Unless you hear me speak, I could pass for eight! Why were they talking to me?!?!?

We all laughed it off and talked about how we should have started speaking Spanish to scare them. But in the end it was an interesting experience.

I was actually kinda flattered, and once again I'm being noticed by everyone except the ones who matter.

Searching for Serendipity,
♠ ♠ ♠
Funny incidents! As you know, I'm actually 13 and the guys were like 16 =D. I feel soooo special =D.

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