Status: Experimenting with layouts, bear with me! XOXO, Errbear

Serendipity's Diary

This Should Be Interesting

Diary Entry #46
Mood: Mellowed Out
Date: April 24th, 2012

So I started today off, and I was pissed. I mean, how could I not be after what happened yesterday with Jess? And I was tired, so that didn't help.

Zoe is wimping out on telling Hannah about her friends talking about her. London says that I should, which I would, but I wasn't there when it happened. But if someone doesn't do it soon, I will. And we all know how that's gonna turn out.

I dragged through the rest of the day, still upset. Finally, we got to chorus class. I'd already known that Jessie wasn't there, so I knew it would be boring. But it turned out to be a little bit of a blessing in disguise.

As I sat, Ryan came over to talk to his friends as usual. One of his friends, who is the best, I might add, turned to talk to me. "Where's your friend?" he asked.

"I don't know. She and I aren't speaking." I answered. I'd already stood up to go and talk to Zoe.

Before I left, Ryan said, "She's evil." This was directed more toward his friend, not me, but I'd answered anyway. "She is, actually,"

He didn't answer and I went to talk to Zoe. When I moved back to my seat, my piano teacher began to speak. "Everyone is going to stay where they are, except the boys. I want the boys to move over to the other side of the room."

So they all moved from the right to the left, sitting on the back row. Right where Jess and I usually sit, leaving Ryan sitting right next to... me. And all his friends.

So we sat right next to each other today in class, which was actually quite boring. I sat and listened as he and his friend talked about which of the girls in our class were the hottest. Ugh. Men. Of course my name didn't come up. Contrary to popular belief, guys aren't that stupid.

So, for the next few weeks, most likely, I will sit right next to Ryan. Expect plenty of stories. His friends already like me, or tolerate me, so maybe I can use that to my advantage, right?

At one point, I got up to speak to Zoe and when I came back, Ryan's binder was in my seat, thus creating an awkward sort of space between us.

When the day finally ended and I went back to my seat, I sat next to one of Ryan's friends who was going through his bookbag.

"Ryan, you're so junky!"

Ryan turned around. "What are you doing?!?" I sat laughing quietly. Ryan turned to me and goes, "Do you see him going through my stuff?" I just laughed.

I was still not quite in an amazing mood, which sucked, because I had to teach cheer tryouts this afternoon. And it's hard to be a cheerleader when you're upset.

But there was still sometime before tryouts and I spent that time playing piano as usual. I was playing when two of the girls in my class came over to listen to me. I'm used to having a crowd, but not during the afternoon, so it was nice to have someone come listen.

I was playing "I Caught Fire by The Used" singing softly to myself. A minute or two after the girls walked over, Ryan walked away from his friends and over to the piano.

He immediately began pressing random keys, just like everyone does when they see a piano. The girls began yelling at him that he was messing me up.

"No, I'm not," he answered. "I'm helping her." I laughed and he walked back to his friends again.

Spending the next few weeks... sitting right next to Ryan... everyday... for an hour?

This should be interesting.

Searching for Serendipity,
♠ ♠ ♠
Aren't you happy for me!?!?! =D

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