Status: Experimenting with layouts, bear with me! XOXO, Errbear

Serendipity's Diary

Can I Just Say...

Diary Entry #48
Mood: Deeply Confused
Date: April 26th, 2012

Today was crazy. Let’s just skip to the basics.

Today in chorus, I sat on the back row, as usual. Marcus came over and held his fist out. After a very awkward (but funny) fist bump, he held his hand out. I put my hand in his, meaning only to high-five him.

He gripped my hand in his. “Your hand is cold,” he said.

“Is it?” I asked.

“Yes.” He proceeded to tell me he was going to warm my hand.

It was funny at first, and then it got awkward. “Can I have my hand back?” I asked, gently trying to pull my hand back.

“No, your hand is still cold,” he answered. I tried pulling my hand away three or four times before he finally let go.

Can I just say… what the hell?

It gets weirder. Now, as Janie once suggested about someone else, I could simply transfer my affections, but there’s one problem with that.

This guy has a girlfriend.

Anybody else see a problem? Just me? Keep reading.

Because of the lack of seats on the back row, two people usually end up sharing seats. Today Marcus walked over and asked if he could share my seat with me.

“Uh, sure,” I said. I moved over, letting him sit on the other half of my chair.

“What are you doing?” someone asked him. I think it was Ryan.

“I’m sitting with my lady friend,” he answered. …Lady friend?

Can I just say… what the hell?

“Who are you talking about?” Ryan said, raising his voice. Was that… anger I heard?

Of course he was upset. He was friends with this guy’s girlfriend, too, but still…

“Her,” his friend answered, pointing at me. And Ryan met my eye then.

He looked… upset… betrayed. Or so I thought. Then I realized: he was looking at me as if I were the slut! Sure, blame the girl who’s just as confused as everyone else!

Anyway, Marcus loves to mimic me. So I was sitting with my legs crossed and my hand resting against my temple. He was doing the same.

His girlfriend looked over and said, “Stop crossing your legs like that!”

He replied to her, “I’m copying my lady friend,”

Can I just say… what the hell?

Jess and I are speaking again. At one point I guess Ryan looked over in our direction.

“Ryan’s being a creeper,” she whispered in my ear.

I laughed. “That’s because he’s afraid of you after all your bitch rampages,”

“He’s afraid of me?” she asked. Did she really have to sound so surprised?

“Yes, after all your bitch rampages,” I responded. Now that I think about it, he actually called her evil… Evil, afraid of. Same difference.

She turned around. “Ryan!”

He turned around to look at her. “Hi,” she said. He didn’t answer.

What I should have said: “That’s her way of apologizing for being so mean to you,” What I said: “…” I didn’t say a thing.

Sorry for leaving you hanging, Jess. I was tired. And worried. And sore. And annoyed.

Can you blame me? My girls had cheer tryouts this afternoon. I was worried for them.

When class let out, I sat in my seat with my head back. Ryan came and stood behind me, just looking at me. I looked up and behind me.

“Hi,” I said. He didn’t answer. He had something in his hand. He reached for the ID tag that hung around my neck, tying the object around it.

“Amazing,” I said, in my semi-sarcastic way. I untied the object and looked at it. It was Eric’s ID.

Was he trying to make a point? I mean, it’s pretty obvious that Eric has a thing for me.

And what was with those looks? Does he think I’m trying to break his friends up or is he wondering why I’m dealing with Jessie again?

But I really want to know… what’s up with his friend? I am deeply confused.

Can I just say… what the hell?

Searching for Serendipity,
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, I'm going to leave the rating as is :)! Not much to say today!

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