Status: Experimenting with layouts, bear with me! XOXO, Errbear

Serendipity's Diary

I Heart Question Mark

Diary Entry #2
Mood: Questioning
Date: Don't Know, Don't Care
Ok, ladies. This one is for you. Tell the truth. Am I over-romanticizing? Did I set myself up for heartbreak?

Was I crazy to give so much of myself?

Before you answer, remember the first guy you ever really liked. Maybe you would chase him on the playground, write his name on your arm? Well, I did something similar and I missed a perfect opportunity.

I remember the day well. That morning I had heard Taylor Swift's I Heart Question Mark for the first time.

I was not, still am not, and probably will not ever be a huge Taylor Swift fan. I've always thought she was a slut to the infinite power. I mean, for Christ's sake, she documents every detail of her love life... IN SONG! You can't tell me that's not strange. I eventually decided to lay off of her because of my sappy love poems, but that's a different story.

So I decided to take a page from Taylor. I wrote "I ♥ ?" on the back of my right hand that day. The blue and red Expo marker hardly stood out against my dark skin, but it was noticeable if he was close. The day before he'd sat on my right. Ironically, this day, he ended up sitting on my left.

But he stood to walk across the room and somehow it caught his eye. I remember he had called me crazy once for writing on myself, but this time he just read out loud. "I heart question mark..." he read. "Wait, so you don't know who it is?" Before I could correct him, he figured it out on his own. "No, you know who it is," he said. "You just won't tell me."

I had practiced this! I was supposed to say something like, "Who do I like? You'll never know. (Wink)" or "That's for me to know and you to... possibly find out."

But he didn't ask. The words just caught in my throat and I smiled. All I did was smile. He walked away, preoccupied.

Liz, who was sitting on my right, yelled at me quietly. "What is wrong with you? You could have said something!"

I shut her up but mulled it over in my head. I'd blown it.

I blamed it on him. For not asking, for walking away too soon, for exposing me to my one true Kryptonite, his eyes.

In actuality, it was my fault. I had a moment of weakness.

So, all my single ladies, what do you think? Am I too invested? Or am I just a girl with a crush?

Searching for Serendipity,
♠ ♠ ♠
Any thoughts?