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Serendipity's Diary

Guy Friends

Diary Entry #50
Mood: Pleased
Date: April 27th, 2012

Okay, I started today off and I was nervous. My girls found out today who made the team. I was extremely nervous. That was all I cared about.

But I soon forgot about that. I told Kerah about the awkwardness of yesterday.

And then the day went by. Nothing of interest happened until we got to chorus class.

I should point out that Jessie was not there today, leaving me sitting on the back row. Alone. Surrounded. By a bunch of guys. Needless to say, I was not excited. And as usual, I was in for a surprise.

At the beginning of the class, I put my bag down at the back of the room and knelt down to look through it for something. I felt someone standing over me and looked up to see Ryan. “Hi,” I said.

I think he waved. I don’t quite remember, but he looked at me with that same unsmiling stare that he usually gives me.

Uh-oh, I thought. Here goes yet another awkward day. How wrong I was.

So I sat down in my seat with my book ready. I had Twilight with me. There was no way I was going to have nothing to do. But I didn’t read a word of it. I was hoping Ryan would sit next to me, but Marcus did instead. Eric sat on the floor in front of me and another of Ryan’s friends sat next to me. I had a blast.

Ryan’s friend who sat on my right cracked jokes the entire time, making me laugh. Marcus, who sat on my left, mocked my voice when I was talking. At one point he moved to sit in front of Zoe. They sat talking and Zoe called me over.

“Uh-oh,” Ryan said as I walked by. He pretended to trip me. I shot him a look playfully.

“Yeah, what’s up?” I asked.

She told me about how she was trying to teach him to fist bump. “He’s still clueless, you teach him.” So I did. “But fist-bumping is our thing. You can’t do that with anyone else,” Zoe told him.

“Can I leave now?” I asked. Zoe answered yes and Marcus turned to me.

“Well, Ryder, let’s make up our own handshake,” He grabbed my hand and I stood up and pulled away. I’d realized that he was only being friendly, not flirty, but I wanted to go back to my seat.

He looked hurt, so I decided I’d do something to make up for it later.

Then our teacher started talking. We had to choose a song for our upcoming graduation. There was a list of twelve songs. Our final two came down to I’ll Be There by Michael Jackson and Seasons of Love from Rent. I expected everyone to vote for the Michael Jackson song.

I mean, it’s Michael Jackson. But when it came time for the final vote, Ryan reached over and tapped my shoulder.

I turned around. “What’s that song with the ‘525,600 minutes’?” Ryan asked.

I laughed. “Seasons of Love. That’s the one we’re voting for now,” He raised his hand for the vote and so did I.

Showtunes? Over MJ? I’m impressed.

In the end, we decided over Seasons of Love for our graduation song. I’m excited. I’m in love with that song.

As we sat there, he reached around, tapped my shoulder and looked away. Just like it used to be. That made me smile.

I went over to talk to Zoe and on my way back, I poked Ryan’s friend’s shoulder. I turned around to make sure he saw me.

When I sat down, Ryan saw the writing on my arm. “What is all this on your arm?” He grabbed my wrist and turned my arm around, reading out loud. I laughed and explained the writing. It was ironic that the one day when so much happened was the day Jessie wasn’t there. I can imagine myself telling her about it. In my head, the conversation starts, “Jess, do me a favor and don’t come to school tomorrow…”

On a completely unrelated note, most of my girls made the cheer team! I’m so excited! And to keep you from hating me, let’s go back to the story at hand.

Marcus came over and “hit” me playfully. “Hey!”

I slapped him back. And he returned the hit. “I’m going to get the last hit,” he said.

I laughed and hit him again. We sat going back and forth and Ryan sat egging me on. We sat doing that for a long time, until it was finally time to go. I must say, unfortunately… he won. I'll get him next time.

It was a good day. It’s funny. I’m always talking about how I need guy friends. Now I have a few.

And the best part is that Ryan is possibly… maybe… most likely… feasibly… one of them.

Searching for Serendipity,
♠ ♠ ♠
50 chapters! Heck yeah! I'm sooo proud of myself :D! And I'm glad you guys still enjoy it

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