Status: Experimenting with layouts, bear with me! XOXO, Errbear

Serendipity's Diary

Rule #1

Diary Entry #50
Mood: A Little Worried
Date: April 29th, 2012

Okay, remember a few weeks ago when I was really upset and I told you I was fighting with a friend? He and I are speaking again.

Yesterday I went to a mini-fair here in our state. It was almost as amazing as the South Carolina State Fair, but not quite there.

The best part was that I was going alone with my little sister, so I got my phone back just for the day.

So, the first thing I did was text this friend. When we were fighting, it just so happened that I got my phone taken the very next day. He moved to Oregon about two months ago. Which means he and I haven't talked in a month or so.

I decided to apologize. I was a little mean to him. He accepted, but yelled at me for waking him up so early. (I'd forgotten about the three hour time change.) He told me then about how his life was going.

He has a new girlfriend. That surprised me, because as far as I knew, he was still in love with his "ex." They'd only broken up because he moved, so I figured he was waiting until he came back, just like he said he would.

Men. Do they ever keep their promises?

Anyway, I told him all about our chorus class and the songs we were singing for graduation. He told me I was lucky and that the only thing they were going to have was a red carpet themed dance.

I told him about our "masquerade ball" and how I might not go.

"Well, I'm going to ours," he said. I reminded him that he had a date.

"I'll probably get Jessie to go with me," I sent back.

"Oh, just ask someone before I do it for you," he responded.

I laughed. I was interested to see who he would ask.

"Hmm... who would you ask?" I asked him.

"Ryan." He responded. I was with my mom and my little sister, so I was careful not to put any expression on my face. But on the inside... Oh, fuck.

Jess and I hinted about it around him, but we never told him. I'm sure he could've kept the secret, but he was too close with Ryan for me to let that happen. And I'd talked sometimes about "my crush" but I'd never told him who it was and he'd never asked. Who else could've told him? Jessie.

"...Did Jess tell you? Or did you figure it out on your own?"

At the same time, I texted Jessie to ask if she'd told him. It wasn't a huge deal. I just wanted to know.

She said she hadn't told him. And sure enough, my friend texted back two hours later saying he'd figured out on his own.

"What a smart boy you are." I responded and he laughed.

"I'm afraid to ask. How long have you known?" I asked.

He responded that he didn't know. "What do you mean you don't know?!?!?" I responded.

And then I had to go.

That's when it hit me. If my friend figured it out on his own, who's to say Ryan doesn't know?

Maybe I can use this to my advantage? I guess we'll have to wait and see.

More on this later.

But I just realized something.

Rule Number 1 of Dealing With Guys: Guys are always smarter than we give them credit for.

Mood: A Little Worried Chill

Searching for Serendipity,
♠ ♠ ♠
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