Status: Experimenting with layouts, bear with me! XOXO, Errbear

Serendipity's Diary

Rule #2

Diary Entry #50
Mood: Happy. So Happy.
Date: April 30, 2012

Today was an amazing day. Not much happened in the beginning of the day, but when we got to Literature Studies, things started happening.

We were working on an assignment in Lit. Studies when Mr. Travesty placed the extra worksheets on the edge of Layla's desk. I went to go grab one and ended up talking to her for a second. We decided to work together, so I went back to my desk to grab my notebook.

Meanwhile, Ryan was sitting on the floor a few feet away. He must have heard my voice and he called my name. "Ryyyydeeeer!" He purposely exaggerated the letters in my name. I smiled. He's the only person who says my name that way.

"Hola." I said, answering with one of the few Spanish words I know.

"I can't see you," he said. I laughed and leaned over the desk I was standing behind.

"Hola," I repeated.

"I still can't see you," he said. I walked out from behind the desk. "Hola," I said one last time before walking back behind my desk. The most interesting thing to happen otherwise was that today was Rose's birthday. We sang to her, completely off-key and messed with her a little. Happy birthday, Rose!

Oh, and Rynaldi wants to beat Marcus up because he suggested Ryan ask some other girl to the dance. I did forget part of that story, though.

When Marcus suggested that, the girl answered, "Well, I get extra credit for class if someone who's not on the same team as me goes with me."

'Teams,' referring to the way our school is separated. After Ryan talked about how he couldn't dance, he turned to me.

"Are we on the same team?" he asked. I answered that I didn't know, because I don't. I've never understood how that worked.

But is there anyone who thinks that was some kind of cryptic way for him to ask me to the dance? Or was it just a question? Keep in mind that we don't get extra credit for going to the dance, let alone taking someone. Just going back to fill in holes in our story. I can’t remember everything.

And then we got to chorus. I sat down in my seat as usual. And Ryan’s friend came to sit next to me as usual. He emulated the way I sat with my legs crossed and my fingers resting against my temple. He made me laugh, as usual. And then when we started warm-ups the guys shifted around, as usual.

One thing that was a little out of the ordinary? When the guys shifted, Ryan landed right next to me. He stood on my left and reached over to tap my right shoulder. I thought back to the very first time he ever did that. Back then, I wasn’t so shy around him, so I’d pushed him back playfully. That’s what I did this time, something I wouldn’t normally do.

“What?” he asked, of course pretending he hadn’t tapped my shoulder. I laughed. And he reached over and tapped one of his other girl friends (it feels good to include myself in this group) on the shoulder, the same way he’d done to me. I guess I shouldn’t have expected anything less.

Our chorus teacher sent our group into the practice room after a while so that she could work with the other group. Jessie and I sat in chairs along the wall, laughing at the chaos that ensued. I used to care when things got out of hand in chorus… but I take a pill for that now.

As we sat, Ryan held his hands out to each of us. We both reached to give him a high-five. I hit his hand and he moved his hand before Jessie could reach it. “You were too slow,” he joked with her. She playfully hit him in the stomach.

He’s so… forgiving. I mean, he can joke with her after she was so mean to him? How incredibly… sweet stupid sweet stupid sweet. Definitely sweet.

I shoved her shoulder playfully. She whispered in my ear, “Of course, you’d hit me because I hit Ryan.” I laughed and shoved her again.

One of Ryan’s friends was sitting on top of a stack of chairs to my left. Ryan asked him to move so he could grab one of the chairs from the stack. Ryan took the chair and placed it on my lap, pretending to sit down in it.

I laughed. “What are you doing?” I said, pushing the chair off of my lap. He laughed and sat more in front of me.

So the rest of the class was spent with the kids in my chorus class giving our Spanish-language song a rap beat and with Marcus and I having slap wars once again. I think I won this time.

Jess and I sat laughing during the entire period, enjoying ourselves. We had a blast.

The perfect end to a Monday.

And I learned something new:

Rule #2 of Dealing with Guys: When dealing with guys, always expect the unexpected.

Searching for Serendipity,
♠ ♠ ♠
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