Status: Experimenting with layouts, bear with me! XOXO, Errbear

Serendipity's Diary

Rule #3

Diary Entry #52
Mood: Content
Date: May 1, 2012

Today wasn't extremely interesting. But before I get to that... remember my friend who said I should ask Ryan to the dance?

Well, I asked him how he figured out about my crush on Ryan. His response?

"I guessed and you admitted it," Oh, shit. I, like an idiot, just gave it away when I could have kept my mouth shut. But I don't think this friend keeps in touch with anyone from over here except me, Zoe and Jessie, so it'll be just fine. But I feel quite stupid.

Rule #3 of Dealing With Guys: Always play dumb and never give away information you're sure they don't know. I definitely learned my lesson.

Back to our story. So, today we sat in chorus class as usual. I didn't talk to Ryan's friend today, unfortunately. I kinda missed him. Ryan sat next to me instead.

I went to go get my binder and something else. When I got back, Jessie was yelling at Ryan... as usual.

I made a sorry attempt at a joke. "Jessie, what have I told you about being a bitch?"

"Whoa!" Ryan said, in response to my word choice.

"Sorry, we're still working on her people skills," I said jokingly. He ignored me. Or didn't hear me. Whatever.

Sure, he's never heard me curse before, but I've heard him! Hypocritical? I think so.

Okay, okay. I'll say what we're all thinking. Smooth, Ry. Just smooth.

But he couldn't have been too upset with me. When our chorus teacher called the guys to the piano, Jess and I sat talking.

When the guys made their way back, Ryan threw his binder at the chair next to me, missing the chair completely. It fell to the floor at my feet.

"Gosh, Ryder, why'd you knock my binder down? That wasn't cool," he said, jokingly.

"Yes," I said sarcastically. "I definitely just pushed that down,"

"Yeah, you did." he answered. He looked at Jessie. "And I think you had something to do with it,"

"Oh, shut up, Ryan," she said.

"You're the Wicked Witch of the West," he told her jokingly.

"You're exactly right," I put in. "Except that this is the East Coast,"

He stood thinking for a second. A very long second. "But she was nicer. No... wait, she was dead." I have to say... I thought it was so cute how he compared her to one of the characters from The Wizard of Oz. The funny thing is... when Jessie and I were fighting, I referred to her the exact same way. Not to mention that The Wizard of Oz is one of my favorite movies.

I laughed and Jessie insulted him again playfully. He pretended to flip her off. She tried twisting her fingers into whatever he was doing with his. "I can't do that." she said.

"You're doing it now!" he answered. Then Eric, who I have begun to refer to (in my mind) as The Giant Who Just Wouldn't Quit, began trying to do the same.

I laughed. "You all look like idiots." Ryan laughed too, looking right at me.

I'm trying as hard as I can to avoid all the sappy bullshit but... those eyes. The smile he gave me in that moment still replays in my mind.

"What are you doing?" Eric asked. "That Spiderman thing?"

"No, I'm acting like I'm flipping her off, but not really," Ryan asked. And with that, he walked away.

Once again, Eric has ruined yet another of my perfect moments. I have got to figure out how to get rid of him!

Anyway, that was today. 23 days until my birthday! I'm SOOOO excited!

Searching for Serendipity,
♠ ♠ ♠
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