Status: Experimenting with layouts, bear with me! XOXO, Errbear

Serendipity's Diary

Preferences and ***s

Diary Entry #55
Mood: Slightly Pissed
Date: May 8, 2012

Today we had to take this big standardized test that every kid in the state of South Carolina takes every year. This test always takes hours because we have to wait until the entire school is finished before we can go to our actual classes.

After it's finally over, we get to go to classes. It only took me an hour and I finished at 9:30. The rest of the school, didn't finish until about 10:30, so I fell asleep for a while. When I woke up, I played cards with friends for a while and then they told us that we would be using Bell Schedule E to go to class.

Bell Schedule E means that we go to English, we eat lunch in Social Studies, we go to Science, then Math, and we end the day in our free period.

So we did all that, except that Science turned into our break, so we went outside. And this time, the entire grade was out there. Ryan was out there and Marcus was out there as well. I didn't get to talk either of them.

Marcus... okay, let's talk about him. Would you call what he's doing... flirting? Here's a better question. Would you call my response flirting? Because that's not my intention. I like him... as a friend. I mean, why not become friends with my crush's friend? That could help. Couldn't it?

Or am I just leading him on? I don't know. But a few things are for certain. Ryan and I... not happening as quickly as I'd like. Marcus and I... not gonna happen. Eric and I... no chance in hell.

Then we got to our free period. This is when I really got mad. I was playing cards with Sarabella and we finished. I won and she got all sore-loserish. I got annoyed, walked off and after a while, I walked back over.

"I'm not gonna say anything, because I'm gonna get written up," Belle was saying to Kerah.

"What happened?" I asked.

Kerah turned to me and explained. "I turned around and just decided to hug Belle and Ms. Elder walked over," Ms. Elder is our Math teacher and free period adviser. She is a terrible teacher and an extremely annoying person. I don't like her.

"And?" I asked.

"She was like, 'Girls, break it up. It doesn't matter what you're preference is,'"

My jaw dropped. "You're fucking kidding me, right?" I've been watching my mouth all week but this was just too much. Now it's no secret that Sarabella and Kerah are bisexual. For my Saint friends who didn't know this, ask me about it tomorrow, but not in front of people. I wouldn't want to have to choke some loudmouth bitch who starts slamming on my friends.

So yeah, it's no secret, but she's a teacher. Can she say shit like that? I don't care what your position on the GLBT community is, you can't say shit like that, especially not to kids.

"That's why I believe what Brittany said," Sarabella said. "What happened with Brittany?" I asked.

"She says Ms. Elder called her a ho," Sara answered. "Are you serious?" I asked.

"Yeah, and then she tried to cover it up by saying she called her a 'hugger,'" Sara said. "Maybe she called her a 'whore' and Brittany said 'ho' but it's still hard to get 'hugger' from 'whore,' she said.

I always try to be fair, so I said, "Maybe she was talking about how she's friends with all the guys and the teachers always yell at her for hugging them," I didn't believe it, but hey.

"Okay... but how can you have a bad reputation for being a 'hugger'?" she asked. She was right.

So as Ms. Elder walked by, Kerah turned to me and said, "Hey, Ryder, give me a hug!" I laughed and hugged her and Belle joined in. And sure enough Ms. Elder told us to break it up.

So now I'm pretty damn pissed off. I can't help it. You mess with me, that's fine. You mess with my girls? We have problems. Serious problems.

But I'm really mad because I didn't get to experience the highlight of my day: chorus. I didn't get to talk to Ryan and find out about the dance or talk to Marcus (who I have been informed needs to back the fuck off). I didn't get to curse Eric out like I so badly want to. I didn't get to see Jessie. And I probably won't get to for the rest of the week because of testing. Today was an English test, tomorrow is Math, Thursday is Science or Social Studies. Depending on the bell schedule, I might not go to 6th or 7th period, which are the two classes I have with Ryan. Until Friday, that is.

Which is the day of the dance.

Well, there's always Carowinds on Saturday. FML.

Searching for Serendipity,
♠ ♠ ♠
So I hope any confusion is cleared up! As usual, your opinions and suggestions are welcome! :)
