Status: Experimenting with layouts, bear with me! XOXO, Errbear

Serendipity's Diary

Riot and Set Shit On Fire

Diary Entry #55
Mood: Annoyed With Myself
Date: May 10, 2012

You're gonna hate me. You're gonna hate me so much. After I tell you what happened, y'all are gonna do Rock, Paper, Scissors for who gets the first chance at kicking my ass.

So, we finished testing today. Early. They announced that we would be following Bell Schedule B. I scanned the schedule sheet.

Second through seventh periods. Sixth and seventh periods, yes! I was going to get to go to the two classes that I wanted to go to most!

So I suffered through the day, until we finally got to Lit. Studies. Mr. Travesty went on... and on... and on about some new project and he started to walk around to pass out papers.

"Who needs one," he asked. I raised my hand, waiting for him to come around. Ryan walked to our side of the room for whatever reason and, seeing my raised hand, high-fived me. I smiled and he... turned around? Did he walk all the way from the other side of the room just to high-five me? Probably not.

But it makes me feel special to think that he did.

"Aww, look at her," Ryn said, smiling at me. I looked up from my paper, confused.

"Wait, what I miss?" I asked. She held out her hand, of course talking about how Ryan had high-fived me. I was not catching on.

I reached out and high-fived her. "No, I meant---" she started.

"Oh, I gotcha," I said, standing up and walking to stand next to her. "Whatever. Is my bag over there?" It was definitely not a "whatever" situation. I was dying on the inside.

This isn't the place for you to be upset. We left Lit. Studies for chorus about thirty minutes later.

My goal for chorus today was to chat with Marcus if necessary and avoid Eric at all costs. I called it Operation Get Ryan To Ask Ryder To The Dance Before She Loses Her Damn Mind.

Long name, mediocre results. That is to say, it didn't work. Get ready to be mad.

I didn't talk to Marcus at all today, which is good, but I would have preferred that to the alternative, Eric.

When we first sat down, Marcus sat next to me and he didn't say anything to me, thank God. And then he did something that almost made me want to kiss him. Almost.

He asked Ryan to switch spots with him. Thank you, Marcus! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Ryan was not as enthusiastic. "Dude, why do you have to make me sit next to them?" And then to me, "No offense to you," I smiled.

Of course, his problem is with Jessie, which I completely understand. I mean, what is with her bitchy disposition toward him? Because sure enough, she started.

"What'd you say, Ryan?" she asked. "What?" he said back.

"I'm watching you," she said, finally making an effort to be playful and nice. "Stop that, it's creepy," he said, returning the ingenuine attempt.

Okay, this is not gonna work. If one of my best friends and my crush don't get along, how will I survive the next few weeks, my last few weeks with Jessie?

If I ever meet this guy she's always talking about, what's-his-ass, I call him, I swear I will be so mean to him, it hurts. She deserves it for fucking stuff up for me.

Anyway, Ryan sat next to me for a while, not speaking to me anymore. Eric sat on the floor, listening to something on his phone. As our chorus teacher walked by, he got Eric's attention, warning him.

She was passing out papers for our Saturday Carowinds trip. Another of Ryan's friends walked over, talking to Eric and Ryan.

Off- topic, this friend I love. He's a sweetheart and he makes me laugh. Even better, he doesn't hit on me.

Anyway, in listening to their conversation, I found out that Ryan, Eric and this new friend were going to be the only guys in our grade going on the trip. Interesting. Oh, and Jessie's not going.

Can all of you do me a favor? I want you to take this imaginary gun and shoot me in the face.

She's also not going to the dance. In an effort to get Ryan's attention while he sat next to me, I turned to Jessie and said, "Do you know how you have completely effed up our deal?"

"We had a deal?" she asked.

"Yes, remember?" I said, a little louder than before. "The deal was if you go to Carowinds with me, I would go to the dance with you. Now I'm going to both and you're not going to either,"

He didn't even turn around. Damn it.

And I didn't get to show her my dresses. Oh well.

And I didn't get to find out if Ryan is going or not. At least I'll have Belle and Kerah to hang out with.

But you know who else is going to the dance?

Eric. Do me a favor. Please get upset with this and kill me. I'm sure it will be a lot less painful.

So, let's recap. No Ryan, no Jessie and Eric? FML.

You may now commence rioting and setting shit on fire.

Searching for Serendipity,
♠ ♠ ♠
God this sucks! Comments and suggestions as always!
