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Serendipity's Diary

Running Out Of Time

Diary Entry #58
Mood: Tired
Date: May 12, 2012

Today was a long day. It began at 6:30, getting dressed in my chorus shirt and jeans. I got to “borrow” my phone back, so I took it with me, listening to my music once I got to the school. It was early and I was already bored.

When we got on the bus, I moved to the back unintentionally sitting across from Ryan and one of his friends. Yes, I do mean unintentional. Besides, Ryan sat in the window seat while his friend sat on the outside.

“Hey, Ryder, you can sit next to me,” a voice said. No, not Ryan, one of the girls in my group. What was I supposed to say, no?

So I moved up one seat and soon after a chaperone for another group came and sat in the seat I’d just left. Oh, thank God that I’d decided to move. So I listened to music the entire ride up, mostly rap and rock. Just waiting for us to get there.

Oh, and I texted Jessie and my guy friend who’d guessed about my crush on Ryan. And then we finally got there. I turned my phone off, trying to save power for the ride back. And after a while, I thought, Screw it. I turned my phone back on, forgetting that I was wasting my battery. And I did that twice more, I think.

But anyway, as I turned my phone back on, looking for the song I wanted to hear, someone called my name.

“Ry-der,” And yes, this time it was Ryan. I could tell from the way he said my name in that sing-songy way. Very few people say my name like that. And when they do, it does not make me want to melt.

I smiled and he raised his hand. I high-fived him and he moved on, smiling back at me.

Okay, this high-five thing has got to stop. It’s starting to annoy me. Because every time he touches my hand, I can’t help wishing he were holding it instead.

Anyway, after a few minutes, we finally got our tickets and entered the park. And there was a problem with the tickets.

They were dated 05/10/12, Thursday’s date. My group went over to ticketing to get the problem fixed and soon after Ryan’s group walked over. We stood while the woman behind the counter fixed our tickets. Ryan was talking to one of the girls in my group. He had just high-fived her and had proceeded to tell her that her hands were soft. She was arguing that her hands were, in fact, rough.

She turned to me. “Ryder, do you think my hands are soft?” I rubbed her palm. “Kinda,” I answered.

“Thank you!” she says, feeling her point had been made. Ryan grabbed my hand at the wrist and turned it over, moving his fingers across my palm. “Well, your hands are soft,” He seemed to be watching my face for my reaction. I smiled, as usual.

And we went along through the park. My group rode a few rides and then it was time for our performance. As we waited for our call time, I sat talking to my chaperone, who we all loved, about the school and just about anything else. At one point, Ryan walked by, looking like he wanted to talk, but stopping when he saw me talking. Damn it. So instead he ran around with one of the guys and a basketball, playing around.

When it was finally time for our call time, we stood outside the concert hall, waiting for our teacher to organize us into lines. As we stood there, Ryan, who stood a few feet away, walked over and placed his arm on my shoulder, saying nothing.

It reminded me of Liz and a few of the other girls, who just place their elbows on my shoulder. The only difference is that they aren’t quite as heavy.

Ryan’s arm on my shoulder weighed me down and I shifted, trying to keep my balance while trying not to move out from under his arm. For once, I succeeded.

I looked up at him the moment he put his arm on my shoulder. He looked straight ahead. And I looked up once or twice more. Still nothing.

I could see that he was talking to his friends, I think, who, if they were watching, were probably wondering why he’d chosen to stand next to me.

When I looked up to him, I realized just how tall he really was. That is to say, not very. Whereas looking up at Eric would be awkward, looking up at Ryan would be cute. Sweet. I kept waiting for someone to walk over and say something like, “You two should totally go out!” But why would they? I mean, it’s not like he had his arm around my shoulder. And he stood there, still not looking down at me.

Finally he spoke. “Was that your mom?” he asked, referring to the chaperone I’d been speaking to. Actually he used the word mother, but there’s something about that that sounds so… strange, I guess. Of course out of his mouth, it sounded heavenly.

“No, it’s my friend’s mom,” I answered. “Oh,” he said, going quiet once again.

And then our chorus teacher called his name to go to his spot in line. “Okay, Ryan, your spot is here,” He lingered by my side for a second, as if he had something else he wanted to say. Please say something else. He didn’t and he left. And I moved to my place at the end of the line.

We performed and left the stage to end our day off with a few more rides. I rode the biggest attraction at Carowinds, the Intimidator, with two of the other girls in my group. The Intimidator is known as the fastest, longest, tallest rollercoaster in the Southeast. We’d been talking about riding it all day, but only three of us were willing to ride.

And when we got there, we weren’t so sure anymore. One of the two girls had already ridden it before and wouldn’t let the other girl and I change our minds. We stood in the line the entire time talking about how we needed a guy to ride with us *insert sly smile here.*

So we finally got on and I was scared out of my mind. I screamed the entire time! And when we finally finished the ride, I wanted nothing more than to ride it again.

And after riding the Intimidator, I felt that I could do anything. Part of me was tempted to run up to Ryan and be like, “Ask me out! What the hell are you waiting for?”

But I don’t like to mess with temptation.

The day finally ended and it was time to go home. My phone had died, so listening to music was out of the question. When we first got on the bus, Ryan sat across the aisle from me. But his friends had all moved toward the front, so he moved up and away from me.

I spent a little while talking to the cute guy from the grade below me—who now knew he was cute, because one of the other girls from our grade had wasted no time telling him—who made me laugh and pulled out his phone, taking my picture and showing me what I looked like when his camera was in negative. And stared at me. A lot.

Damn, if we were in the same grade… I’m sorry, where was I?

Anyway, after talking to him for a while, I tried to sleep. No dice. The kids from the grade below me—and Eric—were playing a game of Dare and they refused to shut up. When I finally "woke up", I talked to Seventh Grade Cutie a little more and it was time to go.

I got home and I was tired as hell. But I’d had a great day and I can only hope that things at school will get a little better. After all, my birthday’s in twelve days and the school year ends in twenty.

I am running out of time.

Searching for Serendipity,
♠ ♠ ♠
Click here for a virtual ride of the Intimidator and see what a badass I am :D!

Any suggestions for what I should do with my life? Don't hesitate to tell me :).
