Status: Experimenting with layouts, bear with me! XOXO, Errbear

Serendipity's Diary

This Isn't Over

Diary Entry #63
Mood: Relieved
Date: May 24, 2012

So I was told that my next entry had to begin with, “I asked him and he said…”

Well. I asked him and he said… he said you’re gonna have to wait until the end of the entry, because that’s when you’re gonna find out.

So, as you know, today was my birthday. I woke up and decided to dress up. Last night, I washed my hair, braided it and slept with it wet. When I woke up it was curly and adorable! I wore a coral colored dress and wedged shoes that gave me a good inch-and-a-half of extra height. I looked pretty damn amazing.

And I got to school. And people attacked me, trying to be the first to tell me happy birthday. A few people nearly knocked me over when they came to hug me. Shouts of “Happy Birthday” could be heard through the hallways. So much that the teachers had to send us all to class. A great start to my birthday.

And the day went on. I took my Social Studies exam (so easy) and the day went on. I got out to my locker break and I walked over to talk to some of the other girls. Who should be walking by but Ryan, whose face I couldn’t see out of the corner of my eye. I still felt like I looked amazing.

So I walked—or should I say, strutted—by and talked to my friends. And the day went on.

Finally I got to Lit. Studies and Mr. Travesty began to speak. Then we started on a video that we had to watch and answer questions for. When Mr. T (Mr. T, that’s funny) passed out the question handouts, I called out to him multiple times. “Yo, Mr. Travesty!” When he didn’t answer me, I decided to walk over and grab the paper myself.

And whose desk did I have to walk past? Ryan’s.

As I walked past, I could feel his eyes on me. Not in a dirty way, of course, but I could tell that he was watching. And then I walked back to my seat.

Then class ended. We got to chorus and I sat on the other side of the room from my seat, talking to Janie. Ryan walked into the room and the first words he spoke were directed at me. “Why are you so dressed up?” I tried to read the look on his face. It sorta said, “Someone thinks a lot of herself,”

I laughed. “It’s my birthday!” He stopped walking. “And you didn’t tell me?” he said.

“I’m sorry,” I said, laughing and he walked over to put his book bag down. He came back to the other side of the room to grab his binder. And in walked Jessie.

She went to grab her binder. “Ryan, move!” And he said something I couldn’t hear. “Yeah, well, I can’t tell you why I’m so mean to you, because I’ll get hit.”

It made me smile. And we decided to walk over to our seats on the other side of the room. When we sat down, Ryan began to sing.

“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you-ou! Happy birthday to you!” I laughed and thanked him.

Jessie turned to me. “Wait, does our teacher know it’s your birthday?” she asked.

“No, and I’d kinda like to keep it that way.” She turned to Ryan. “Hey, do me a favor and tell our teacher that it’s Ryder’s birthday,” He agreed and when we finished singing, he got our teacher’s attention.

“It’s someone’s birthday!” he said. “Who?” she asked. He jerked his finger back at me and the class began to sing. And unlike usual, they were on pitch and in tune.

And I sat smiling the entire time as they sang. When the class finished singing, Marcus turned to me. “Happy birthday, Ryder.”

“Thank you!” I answered. “So what are we doing for your birthday?” he asked.

I laughed. “Nothing,” And he and Ryan went back to their conversation.

A few seconds later, Ryan turned back to me and said, “Marcus says he wants to take you out,” I smiled and smoothed my hair back. Or you could ask me out instead. He turned to Marcus, saying something I couldn’t hear. “She says…”

I’m sure Marcus knew I hadn’t said anything, but he still leaned forward in his seat to look at me. And I didn’t look back. I mean, why should I?

Jessie began to speak to me. “So Ryder, are you gonna tell that guy you like that you like him because it’s your birthday?” Of course she was talking louder to make sure she was being heard.

“Who said that?” I asked. And then I continued, “My friend London has been talking about it for a while,” I said, being careful to watch what I said. “She was telling me about it today and I was like, ‘You know what? Do whatever you want.”

And Jess took that as her cue. “Wait, I can do whatever I want? Hey Ryan!”

“No, no, no!” I said. And she continued to be loud. “But Ryder, you’ve liked him for months!” And I said something to shut her up. And class went on. And the day was over.

But apparently, things didn’t start happening until after I left school.

Before I left, London came and told me that she was gonna ask him tomorrow. “Okay, whatever,” I told her.

But when I got home, I checked my email and there was a message from London. Our conversation went like this:

London: Hey soooooo. I asked him.

I didn’t believe her at first. I mean, she did say she was gonna wait. So I sent back:


About an hour later she responded:

London: I DIDN'T TELL HIM. I was just like HEY Ryan!! And I was like sooo do you like Ryder and he got this really thoughtful expression on his face like he was thinking really hard.

Thoughtful expression? Thinking really hard? Sounds like him. Okay, now I believed her.

I sent back:

Me: AND WHAT DID HE SAY!!!!!??????!?!?!

After yet another hour, she replied:

London: He was like no. And kinda looked around. BUT BUT BUT 1) I don't think he would tell me who he likes cause I’m not close with him and 2) Two of the guys were standing right next to us and like watching. Sooooooo…

Me: Well DUH!!! You were supposed to do that WHEN THERE WAS NO ONE ELSE AROUND!!! :D Did he say anything else?

London: He was like why? And I was like um well it just looked like it. Bye! And he had this really confused look on his face.

And I laughed when she told me all this. And I felt relieved. I didn’t have to worry about it anymore. Maybe he and I could just be friends and everything would be just fine.

But it’s not over. With my friends, my crush and my life… nothing ever is.

Searching for Serendipity,
♠ ♠ ♠
So this is what I imagine Ryan's face looked like:
Confused Face 1
Confused Face 2
Confused Face 3

Except all added together and a billion times funnier! :D

Well... just keep reading. It gets even more fucked up.
