Status: Experimenting with layouts, bear with me! XOXO, Errbear

Serendipity's Diary

My World Has Crumbled

Diary Entry #5
Mood: More Upset Than Any One Person Should Be
Date: Irrelevant
No jokes this time. No snide remarks. No cursing for emphasis. This one is serious.

It's not about me, it's not about Ryn, it's not about you, Ryan.

This one is about Jessie.

I'm not sure if you know Jessie. You can't miss her. Her hair is usually dyed two or three different colors. Somehow she is still kinda shy.

I met Jessie through Zoe. I think she was reluctant to warm up to me at first. When she did, we became fast friends.

One day as we sat at lunch, Jessie came to speak to Zoe and I. She was apologizing to Zoe profusely, and Zoe wasn't having it.

Later when we got to our chorus class, the conversation continued.

"I'm sorry, Zoe." Zoe continued to reiterate that she wasn't speaking to Jessie.

"You promised!" Shushed shouts came from Zoe.

"I know, it was just really rough last night!" I had no idea what was going on.

"What's happening?" I repeatedly shouted. I was repeatedly ignored.

"Show... me... your arm." I zoned out. I couldn't see. I couldn't think. I only heard those words on constant replay.

Your arm. Show me your arm.

I'm sorry!

Reluctantly Jess pulled up her sleeve. And there were the scars.

I made her promise she wouldn't do it again. She did. I made her promise that she would text me anytime if she ever thought of doing that again. Anytime, I told her. Two in the morning or eleven at night. She did.

Jess was my newest friend but she had quickly become one of my closest. I loved her and I wanted to be there for her. I would be there for her.

I'd like to say that Jessie texted me. I'd like to say that everything was alright. I would love more than anything to say that I kept it all together.

But the point of Serendipity's Diary is honesty. Jess never called. Everything was alright occasionally, but not always. And for the first time, only in that moment, my world crumbled.

Searching for Serendipity,
♠ ♠ ♠
I know you guys wanted me to post a characters page. It's half done. I'm sorry, my friends have been on my ass all day about posting a new chapter. Will finish characters page, I promise.
I promise it's amazing. I would give you nothing less.

Well that's all I have to say for today. This chapter has left me a little sad. Comment and subscribe! Honest opinions appreciated. You know how much I love you guys!