Sequel: Here We Go Again.
Status: re-writing this from the ground up, I had posted it before but below is the revised version. Hope you enjoy :)

Never Again

Chapter Three;

“We need to talk Abby.” I turned around, startled. “Alex, what are you doing here?” I pulled him into the laundry room, farther away from my dad. “You do realize that if my dad finds out who you are, he will kill you!” I whispered. He shook his head. “I want him to know who I am. I want everyone to know that we are having a baby together.” I just looked at him confused, and before I knew it his lips were against mine. I pulled away almost immediately. “What are you doing?!?” I exclaimed, as quietly as I could. He blushed a little and smiled. “Will you be my girlfriend, Abby?” I was pretty sure I’d just hallucinated, but I wasn’t sure. “Uh… what?” I said, stuttering slightly. “I want you to be my girlfriend Abby. I want to be with the person who’s carrying my baby and I want to help you through this.” “Um… I need air…” I said, before shuffling my way to the door. My dad was still on the couch as I passed. “Bay, are you alright? And who’s the boy?” He stood up, and I just hugged him. “He’s the boy who knocked me up daddy. Please don’t kill him though, I’d like to have help raising this baby.” My dad turned red but stayed surprisingly calm. “As long as he helps you, I won’t have to hurt him.” He smiled over at Alex, who shook his head before extending his hand. “I promise to help in anyway she needs me to sir.” My dad took his hand and shook it. “You better.” I just nodded in agreement before grabbing my coat and heading out the door. I eventually sat down in the grass in my front yard. I couldn’t believe everything that was happening.

“You’re going to get sick out here, you know?” Alex had just joined me. I leaned over and rested my head on his shoulder. “Why do you want to be with me Alex?” I asked, half to myself and half to him. I had to know the answer though. “Because you’re gorgeous and smart and I really do have feelings for you. I didn’t realize it until I saw you with Travis.” He shook his head, and put his arm around me. “I just, I want to be with you Abby. And I didn’t mean to imply that you were a whore, I was just furious that you’d be with that guy while you were pregnant with my baby. I mean, I just want you to be mine and I went about it the wrong way obviously.” He laughed nervously. I nodded. “Yeah, it wasn’t the best way to react, but I guess I can forgive you.” I looked up into his eyes as he stared down into mine. “Can I kiss you? Please?” He asked. I mulled it over in my head, but knew I had to ask him something. “Yeah… I think I’d like that but, first, what about you and Kyra?” He sighed. “I broke up with her this afternoon, that’s what took me so long to get here. I wanted to come straight here after school but I knew I needed to take care of that first.” “How’d she take it?” He laughed a little. “Well… she threw a plate at my head.” “Aww. Poor baby.” He smiled and bit his lip, before his fingers brushed some hair from my face. He leaned in close. “So… um… about that kiss?” His smile seemed to grow. I nodded, pulling him in close and pressing his lips to mine.

Alex’s kiss was different than any other kiss I’ve ever experienced. I never wanted it to end. Our lips were moving in sync and as his tongue danced lightly on my bottom lip, I opened up to let it roam my mouth. We made out for a long time, not that I was complaining. When we pulled away he was grinning. “Wow…” Was all he said, and I shook my head, laughing lightly. “I agree.” I bit my lip, shaking my head. “That was probably the best kiss of my life.” He said, and I agreed. “That definitely was the best kiss of my life.” I said, lying back on the cold ground, hoping to cool off a little. Our kissing session had me a little hot. “Better than Travis then?” He smiled, before lying down and pulling my head onto his chest. “Much better than Travis. Honestly, whenever we kissed it was kind of like making out with a St. Bernard. He was kind of sloppy.” We both laughed. “Sooo, does this mean that you’re my girlfriend now?” He smiled, hugely. “I guess it does Gaskarth.” His smile stayed and he leaned over to kiss me through it. “I’m really glad you said yes, but do you think I should ask your dad permission or something?” I smiled back at him. “Probably, though you didn’t ask him permission to get me pregnant so it might not even matter anymore.” He laughed. “I didn’t plan on getting you pregnant baby, but I can’t say I’m upset that I did. I mean, I think we’re both young to be parents but we’ll adapt. I’ll be there day and night too. Whenever you need me, I’m there.” I smiled even bigger than before. “It’s nice to hear that. I thought I’d be doing all of this on my own. I was really scared to be honest.” I bit my lip. “I still am, I’m terrified of being a mom. I mean, I love this baby with everything I have and it’s the size of a bean, but I still don’t know how I’m going to do it.” He wrapped his arms around me as I spoke. “I know what you mean, but we’re going to get through this together. You and me baby.” I smiled, nodding. “You and me.”

Alex left soon afterwards, and I got dressed for bed and tucked myself in. I was just about to fall asleep when there was a peck at my window. “Ahh, Alex.” I smiled and wiggled my way from beneath the covers. I opened my window with a huge smile on my face. “Al—Oh! Travis.” He smiled at me from the roof. “Let me in, it’s freezing out here.” I moved aside and let him in my room. “Ahh. His smile grew as he took in my appearance. I felt uncomfortable immediately. If Alex knew about this, he’d kill us both. “Travis, what’re you doing here?’ I asked, backing away from him a little. “I saw the blow out you and Gaskarth had in the parking lot today and I thought you might need some company.” He shed his jacket revealing that he was wearing a wife beater and pajama pants. I shook my head at him. “You can’t Trav, my dad’s home and Alex and I talked things out anyways. We’re alright now.” He looked disappointed. I bit my lip, it’s a nervous habit I’d developed. “Well I can still keep you company. It’ll be like old times.” He was moving closer to me. I held out my hands. “Travis I’m dating Alex. We just got together tonight and I’m not doing anything to mess this up.” I grabbed my cellphone as I spoke and dialed Alex’s number with it behind me. I heard him answer as Travis was moving closer. “Travis, you have to leave now. I’m with Alex and I don’t want you here.” “Ah come on Bay, you know you miss me and Gaskarth isn’t going to replace me.” He was right against me. I pushed him with my one free hand. “Seriously Travis, leave me alone.” “No, you let him do things to you that you never allowed me to and I want to know why!” He was talking in a raised whisper. I was now regretting that I’d told him that my dad was home. Maybe if I hadn’t, he’d start yelling and wake him up. After thinking for a moment, I realized that this probably wouldn’t have been a good thing. I didn’t want my dad going to jail. I kept my voice down. “I was drunk Travis, plus you’re right Alex isn’t going to replace you because he’s so much better than you could ever think about being.” That’s when it happened. He hit me, punched me in the face and I fell to the ground. He grabbed my cellphone after seeing who I’d called.

“Hi Alex. This is Travis. Bay can’t come to the phone right now and she won’t be able to for a while because I’m going to be fucking her, hard. Hope you have a nice night.” He hung up the phone and grabbed me before slamming me onto the bed. All I could think about was my baby. I was crying, about to be raped, I’d been hit and all I could think about was that little human growing in my stomach. He or she gave me strength. I started fighting back. I hit him, bit him, punched him, and I was kicking. I started to scream, but by the time my dad got upstairs, another person was in the room. “You sorry ass mother fucker.” I heard Alex yell before grabbing Travis off of me and slamming him onto my floor. My dad flipped on the light, he was holding a baseball bat and looked like he was about to kill someone. I was crying and yelling. “Don’t let him hurt you Alex.” My dad rushed to me. “Are you alright Bay?” I nodded and he went to break up the boys. “What the fuck is going on here?” He said, getting between them after he pulled them up from the floor. Alex was livid. “Abbigale called me, at first I thought she’d just rolled over on her phone in her sleep but then I heard this punk asses voice. I listened and heard him talk about how she should be with him and not me. When she told him no he wouldn’t take it for an answer. I was driving over here when he picked up the phone and told me he’d be fucking her soon. So I pulled into the drive way and climbed through her window just before he was…” He shook his head, he couldn’t finish the sentence and I understood why. My dad was turning red. He grabbed Travis by the throat and slammed him against the wall. “You sorry little bastard. If you ever, and I mean ever, come near my daughter again I kill you and I’ll get away with it. They will never find your body and if they do it will be so mangled that they won’t be able to tell you were even a human.” Travis’ eyes went wide and he nodded. My dad was shoving him downstairs to the door when I heard him yell up. “I’m sorry Bay.” I shivered when he said my name.

My dad came back up and told me to get some sleep. I asked if Alex could stay with me and he agreed. I mean I am already pregnant by him so what’s the worst thing that could happen. Alex laid down beside me and I rested my head on his chest. He kissed my forehead and wrapped his arms around me. “Baby, I promise I will never let anything bad happen to you. I am so glad you called me tonight.” I nodded, letting a few more tears escape. I finally calmed down after a while and fell asleep. I didn’t set an alarm so we both overslept for school, which was fine by me because I had a doctor’s appointment anyways. When I woke up in his arms, I was the most content I’d been in a long time. He smiled down at me and kissed me on the nose. “Good morning gorgeous girlfriend of mine.” He smiled even bigger when he said the word girlfriend. I did too. “Looks like we missed school today” I nodded, then stretched and raised up. “Yeah, but I wasn’t going anyways. I have a doctor’s appointment today. My first appointment as a pregnant girl, as a matter of fact.” I laughed and he smiled. “Can I come with you?” I smiled. “I’d like that.”

We waited for what seemed like forever at the doctors office. When I finally went back to see the doctor, Alex was right by my side. “Oh Abbigale! It’s so good to see you! How’s your dad doing?” I smiled at Dr. Cooper, she and my dad were best friends growing up. She’d actually talked him into asking my mom out way back in the day. She’s also my godmother. I smiled up at her. He’s doing great Jani—I mean Dr. Cooper.” She laughed. “Please, you can call me Janice. So, what are we here for today.” She smiled until she looked down at her chart. “A pre-natal appointment? Abbey! You’re pregnant!” She quickly went from smiling to a confused look to smiling again. “Yep, it’s a long story but yeah, I’m having a baby.” I smiled back at her. She hugged me tightly. “I am so happy for you and Travis. You’re going to make amazing parents! I always knew you’d be together for a while. I told your father that, he never cared for him but I told him you would end up marrying him.” She beamed at me, and I felt sick. “No, no Janice. Travis isn’t the father, Alex is. This is Alex.” I pointed to him as I spoke. She turned red. “Oh I am so sorry, I didn’t even see you standing there. Oh crap, I probably seem like a bitch now.” I laughed a little, so did Alex. He finally spoke up. “It’s fine, Travis is a bit of a sore subject. For both of us as a matter of fact, but I’m her boyfriend now and we’re having what is going to be the most gorgeous child on the face of the earth.” They both smiled at each other and I beamed. Alex took my hand. “To make it up to you, Abbey do you wanna see the baby?” I nodded enthusiastically. “Alright. I can do that.” She smiled.
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Okay, so I didn't have enough time to proof-read, but i will later & make some adjustments if needed. I am sorry if there are any before I have the time to fix them.
I wanna say THANK YOUU! to the commenters & subscribers :)
I will definitely try to update more often. :)