Sequel: Here We Go Again.
Status: re-writing this from the ground up, I had posted it before but below is the revised version. Hope you enjoy :)

Never Again

Chapter Four

After doing my vitals and checking the baby’s heartbeat, Janice led us down a small hallway and into the ultrasound room. She had me lie down on the bed and pull my shirt up to expose my small, rounding abdomen. I bit my lip and looked up at Alex as she was getting the equipment together. He grinned down at me and placed a hand on my stomach before kissing me softly. “I’m so excited.” He whispered, I smiled in agreement. She placed the ultrasound goop on my belly, noting that it was freezing, and then came over with the wand. She pointed to the screen and smiled over at me, Alex took my hand and we both stared in awe. There was our baby. Sure, it was the size of a bean but, that was our baby.

She printed off pictures for us and then we were on our way home. The whole way to my house, I couldn’t stop smiling and neither could Alex. When we pulled into my driveway, he got out and opened my door for me. “You are beautiful, you know that right?” He said, kissing the top of my head. I grinned widely. “Thank you, Alex, for everything. I really appreciate you taking me to the doctor, my dad would have but I didn’t want him to have to miss work. A lot of people really depend on him.” “What’s your dad do?” I laughed. No one’s ever had to ask me that question, they just met my dad and assumed he was a marine. “He’s a Staff Sargent in the marines. He trains new recruits and does other stuff too I’m sure.” I shrugged. “What does your mom do then? I mean, I know she’s out of town with your grandma now, but where does she work.” I smiled up at him. “She’s a mom. She stays at home and takes care of the house and keeps a close eye on me. Until she left to go to my Memaws, her and dad were trying for another baby too, not that they’d told me or anything, I’d just overheard their conversation.” He nodded and then chuckled a little. “They’re trying to have more babies, while their baby is having a baby.” I laughed along with him. He was right.

Alex hung out with me for most of the day. We watched movies and ate lunch together at my house, and by the time school was getting out we were napping on the couch together. I woke up to him shuffling beneath me. I sat up immediately. “What’s wrong?” I said, groggily. He smiled up at me. “Nothing baby, I just… well I have to go. I have band practice tonight and if I don’t show up my friends will be pissed.” I perked up a little. “You’re in a band?” I said, smiling. “Yep. We’re known as All Time Low.” He nodded while sitting up and putting his shoes on. “ATL, that’s cute.” I said while yawning, he just laughed. “We’re not cute, we’re badass pop-punk.” He grinned at me. “You’re cute though,” He said before kissing me. I swear I could just go on kissing him forever. I wouldn’t need food or water, just his lips. He pulled away too soon. “I’ll see you at school tomorrow, and dress warmly alright? It’s going to be super-effing-cold and it’s the last day before break. I don’t want you getting sick on me right before Christmas.” I nodded as he spoke. “Alright dad, I’ll see you tomorrow.” He kissed me again. “I’ll call you tonight, after practice.” I nodded. “Be good.” “I’m always good Abbs.” He laughed, and then he was gone.

Six Months Later:
“MOM, I’M NOT GOING TO SCHOOL EVER AGAIN!” I yelled as I slammed the door to my house and waddled my way upstairs. “What’s wrong sweetheart?” She said, following me. “The Valentine’s Day dance. That’s what’s wrong mom! I’m going to be a pregnant whale for it! I doubt Alex will even want to go with me anymore!” I grunted as I flopped down on my bed. “Honey, Alex is going to want to go with you no matter what. He likes you so much, and you’re not a whale, you’re a pregnant girl and you’re a gorgeous pregnant girl.” She brushed my hair out of my face. I was beginning to calm down. “Come on, I’ll take you shopping for a dress.”

We were out all day looking for something that would fit over my belly. When I finally found a dress I liked and stepped out of the dressing room, Alex had joined us. “What are you doing here?” I laughed, walking to him and planting a kiss on his lips. He hesitated. “Well. I have something to tell you.” I nodded, still smiling. “Firstly, you look amazing in that dress and secondly All time low got signed!” I squealed and hugged him as tightly as my stomach would allow. “That is amazing Alex! Oh my gosh, that’s great!” I was smiling bigger than I ever had before, ignoring the gnawing feeling that something was wrong. “Yeah, I know.” He smiled, biting his lip. “But we sign the contract on Valentine’s day… in New York.” My heart dropped. “Oh… so I guess the dance is out of the question, huh?” He nodded slowly. “I am so sorry baby, I will make it up to you I promise. We still have prom and the parties after graduation too!” I shook my head, “Alex, I’ll be so big by prom that I won’t be able to stay on my feet long enough for the dance… and the baby will only be a few weeks old by graduation.” He bit his lip. “I’m sorry Abby, I will make this up to you though.” I nodded. “It’s alright Alex, I understand. I’ll just go by myself.” I was disappointed, but I wasn’t going to let that show. By now, his friends Jack, Rian, and Zack had joined us. I had been hanging out with the four of them for so long, though, that I should probably call them our friends. Rian spoke up. “Katie is going to the dance too, without me, and I’m sure she’d love to hang out with you… maybe even get ready with you. She doesn’t have a lot of friends here, being new and all.” I nodded, Katie is Rian’s new girlfriend from Towson. I hadn’t met her yet, but I was dying to. I’d been hanging out with the guys for so long that I felt out numbered.

I ended up getting the dress, and on the way out of the store Alex whispered in my ear “I am so sorry, love.” I just nodded. “I know.” I was trying to be happy for him, and I really was happy somewhere deep down but this dance was going to be my last chance to do something like this. Either way, I was going alone now. I slipped into Alex’s car, waiting on him to join me as he said goodbye to the guys. The baby was kicking me like crazy and I couldn’t get comfortable. Five minutes later, he still wasn’t in the car, and I was getting cranky. I drug myself out to see him standing there talking to Kyra, they were smiling and obviously flirting. My heart sank as my hand rested on top of my belly. He leaned in to hug her and she kissed him, right there in front of me and he didn’t pull away either. I felt like I was going to be sick. I grabbed my belongings and was headed across the parking lot to find one of the guys before he noticed. I quickly spotted Jack dancing outside of his car and made a b-line for him. I sped up as I heard Alex yelling my name from behind me. When I finally got to where he was, the tears were spilling over. “C-can you give m-m-me a ri-ide hom-m-me?” I stuttered, biting my lip. “Yeah, of course, what’s wrong?” “I don’t want to talk about it.” I replied, staring at my stomach. Alex was standing right behind me now.

“What the fuck is your problem?” He was yelling, and it took me off guard. “M-my problem is that my b-b-boyfriend-d was kissing some whore behind my back.” I spat, getting stronger as I spoke. He opened his mouth to speak, but then stopped. “You saw that?” Was all he said. “Yeah, I did, and I think it was awfully shitty of you to do that. I never want to see you again Alex.” “Well you’re going to have to, because like it or not I am the father of that baby growing inside of you.” My jaw clenched. “Like you give a fuck about this baby or me, if you did you wouldn’t put me through this knowing it could hurt him or her!” I yelled. Jack grabbed me and put himself between Alex and I. I noticed Alex’s fists clench into balls. “You’re a bitch Abby. Just a straight up bitch, and I swear if you don’t stop you’re going to get hurt.” That’s when Jack spoke up. “Fuck no, man. You don’t ever talk to her like that, EVER.” This was the first time I’d ever heard Jack talk like this. They began arguing back and forth, shouting at each other. I couldn’t handle it anymore. I stepped up. “Look, I don’t want you two fighting because of me. Alex, you and I are nothing more than parents of the same child. I don’t want to see you unless it has to do with the baby and I don’t want to talk to you unless it has to do with the baby. Now will someone please give me a ride home?” I was crying, Jack wrapped his arm around me and helped me into his car. After I was in and buckled up, I saw him and Alex fighting again. I heard the words “Don’t touch her ever again” come out of Alex’s mouth, and then he was gone.

He took my hear t with him.
♠ ♠ ♠
:( poor, Abbs.
Looks like Jack might be a little more invested in her than we thought, eh?
:) Let me know what you think!
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