Sequel: Here We Go Again.
Status: re-writing this from the ground up, I had posted it before but below is the revised version. Hope you enjoy :)

Never Again

chaptaah six

I smiled down at Alex, he was laying on my stomach in my car at the doctor’s office. I couldn’t help but feel a little angry with Kyra, even though I was trying to push that away. I mean he had hurt her, but he’d gotten better. She shouldn’t be holding it over his head. I was thinking about all of this as he continued to talk to my belly. I felt him kiss it, and I smiled. I knew I was getting sucked back in but I didn’t care. I wanted to be with the boy who was going to be the father of my baby, I wanted to be with Alex. He sat up and bit his lip. “Are you going to say anything?” He faked a laugh at the end. I smiled. “I forgive you Alex. I want to apologize too. I shouldn’t have slapped you this morning and I shouldn’t have said what I did. I get angrier a lot faster these days.” I laughed, placing my hand on my belly and rubbing it absentmindedly. He flashed that famous Gaskarth grin, it makes my heart melt every time.

“So what are you doing for the rest of today?” He asked, staring at the pictures I’d handed him. “I’m going to school. I have to do twice as much work as everyone else so I can graduate on time, I’ve already missed school because of morning sickness and doctor’s appointments, plus I’m going to be out for at least 2 weeks after I have the baby. Maybe even longer than that, I don’t know.” I chewed my lip as he nodded. “You’re gonna do great though, and I’ll help you if you want me to. I can also help you get the nursery ready at my house—“ I cut him off. “Your house?” I asked, confused. “Well yeah, I mean you’re going to stay with me after the baby’s born right?” I shook my head. “I already have a nursery ready for him at my mom and dad’s house. I thought you’d be leaving for tour, plus you haven’t been active in my life for a few weeks—“ “Yeah, a few weeks. I’ve been with you for months though, and you knew I wanted you and him to stay with me Abbs.” He looked disappointed. I lowered my head. “I’m sorry Alex, but I don’t want to be alone while you’re gone on tour. My mom and dad have offered to let me stay there for free and mom’s even going to watch Dexter while I go to school.” He scoffed. “Dexter? Who’s Dexter?” “Our baby. I picked out the names already Alex.” “You can’t name him Dexter. He’ll get made fun of CONSTANTLY.” He emphasized constantly, making me laugh. “Okay, we’ll talk names later.” He smiled over at me. “Well I want him to have a room at my house too, for when you guys visit.” “You think your mom and dad will mind?” He smirked. “Um… Abbigale I moved out of my mom and dad’s house. I’m living in a house on your street now. I shook my head. “Why did you do that? How did you do that?” He smiled hard. “We got paid for signing with the record company, so I bought a house. I figured I should if we were going to be a family. It’d be hard to raise a kid in my mom’s basement Abby.” I chewed my lip, hard. “We’re going to be a family?” I whispered, mostly to myself. He leaned in close, hugging me as best as he could through the small, awkward space. “Yes. I want to be a family with you Abby. I want it to be me, you and him.” He grinned before placing his lips on my cheek. I blushed immediately. The thought of being part of a family with him and the baby made me want to jump for joy.
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this isa a short one :/ im sorry.
todays my daughters birthday so i'm swamped.
i'll make it up in the next one, i promise :)
thank you to everyone who's commented/subscribed.
i LOVE all of you for it :)