Status: This book is about me and my boyfriend and was based upon this year and last year.

The Days Love Failed

I love you but you don’t love me?

Anthony can be really nice and sweet but then again he can be really mean and scary like one day but I am not going into detail with that whole situation. Wow! It is sad when he hasn’t even talked to me in like a week all we do is avoid each other but we will not that we make each other I mean yeah I do love him but he doesn’t love me so how is this going to work. It won’t but I have got to figure it out.

“Anthony” I yell as if I was excited to see him.
“Alyson what is it” he replies all weird acting.
“Can we talk bout what happened “I say trying to be calm as if we were something important.
“Sure I guess” he responds
“Well I am kind of falling for you” I say kind of scared that he will yell or something.
“It’s ok I am not going to say anything” he tells me something in my while I listen.
He stared at me his eyes started to glimmer and then he whispered “Nothing would make me happier than to call you mine once more” he told me.
“Yes you may call me yours once more” my smile grows big and so does his smile
“I love you” I say as if we had been dating for a while
Life goes back to normal I got my boyfriend back ha-ha Allie and my life is perfect now I wonder what Allie has been up to since she left and I don’t want to find out.
It’s like everything in the end worked out and now this happens but what will Allie think. I try not to think to hard on the topic and get some rest while I can. So now I am stuck in between a relationship and my best friends. If I tell them are they going to be mad?
Well I have no time for that and I am too late he has already told them. Why though I mean I understand why he told Dylan I mean he is a good listener and all but he likes to tell others which I imagine is going to cause a fight. Okay so I am going to admit this is not the first time we have dated. Although I know Jazz is going to be mad and I really don’t want her to be but if I am happy that is all I care.
I don’t like the fact he told everybody especially a week before summer so now I get the feeling that we will be very popular next year. I don’t get it I go over to him at lunch and sit near him t pretty much makes it clear that I own him. Well, that didn’t last long because no more than a month later we ended up breaking up but little did I know this was going to continue for a long time.