Bellum de Laruae-War of Demons


Centuries ago, in the beginning, there were two brothers and two sisters.

The first sister's name was lamia. She was pale white and ice cold with skin like stone. Her hair was the color of a raven's feathers and her eyes were even darker. She was beautiful and alluring. She could have anything she wanted. Though her needs did not consist of much... just blood. The sun damaged her skin every time it touched her, but never enough to kill her.

Her sister's name was Anima. Anima wasn't like her sister. She didn't have skin, but rather just an outline. She was pale white and barely able to see at times. She was hardly ever noticed, but when she was,people gawked at her beauty. She too was alluring but in a different manner.

The first brother's name was Lucian. He was russet skinned with burning hot skin that was as soft as a blanket. Though his skin was so dark, his hair was a light blond with dark eyes to compliment. He was beautiful but not very alluring. His temper was wild and uncontrollable. His anger turned him into an animal, one who didn't have a temper, but rather had an enemy, the one who burns during the day and hunted at night. Which was the perfect time for him to find her, when the moon was high and showered him in power.

The second brother's name was Hominum. Compared to his brother, he was completely average. He had light skin that wasn't too hot or too cold and was completely visible. His hair was brown and his eyes were blue. He was sweet and always thought of others. His only enemy was the one who couldn't be seen, for he feared her more then anything else.

The brothers hated the sisters. They raged a war upon the world and forced all to chose a side. When Anima seeked revenge on Hominum, instead she gained a friendship with Lucian and a never ending hatred from her sister. Discovering this friendship, Hominum too disowned his brother, but continued to fight against lamia and fought alone against Anima and Lucian. lamia and Hominum were alone in their battles. Hominum left the battle to be fought amongst the others, feeling he would never win.