Bellum de Laruae-War of Demons

Chapter 2

Will made his way through the crowded railroad platform. With a suite case in one hand, the other holding his hat down in the fierce breeze, he scanned the faces around him, looking for that one in particular.

"William!" a voice called out, forced Will's head to jerk to his left. He spotted James, his cousin, standing in the door way of the train station.

James's long blonde hair blew in the wind, covering most of the sight from his muddy brown eyes. His lips pulled into an excited smile as he spotted William, his favorite cousin. James was tall, much like all the men in their family, and thin with hardly any muscle. He wore simple cloths; a dirty button down shirt tucked into trousers and boots. He looked as if he just got off work from the factory, with soot smeared across his pale cheek.

Will bared only a few similarities to his cousin. Where James's hair was blonde and slight wavy, Will's was dark brown and straight when he grew it out. Will's eyes were a fierce blue that reminded you of an angry ocean. He too was tall, but not as thin as James. Muscles wrapped around his arms and torso thanks to the many years of hard labor.

"Good to see you,cousin," Will greeted, his Irish accent standing out against the British mutters from the large crowd.

"Likewise. Come, lets get you to the manor," James replied after giving his cousin a hug.

They made their way to where the carriage waited on the road. It was a dark brown color with silver floral designs painted on the sides and edges. The curtains hung in black silk against the windows. Will went inside first, followed by James, who pounded on the roof twice as signal for the driver to depart.

"How are things?" James asked.

"Well, I can not believe I'm here!" Will exclaimed.

"Neither can I. Every time we saw each other, I went to Dublin," James laughed.

"Why do you look like an engine threw up on you?" Will laughed, pointing at James's face.

"I decided to learn how to run the factory," James answered proudly,holding his chin higher.

"So your taking on the business, then?"

"According to my father, there is no choice in the matter. So, I decided to make the best of it and have a little fun," James winked.

"Well, then its fun we shall have. Thank you again for housing me while I get settled," said Will, whose blue eyes sparkled with gratitude.

"You are family," James stated, leaving the conversation at that.

The ride was long. When they reached the city limits of London, Will couldn't help but stare out of the window. He watched the city in all of its glory. Families walked the streets, children playing and chasing after each other. Factory smoke billowed in the air, forcing a cough from his throat. London was nothing like Dublin.

They reached James's family manor, just on the other edge of London. The manor was large, almost twice the size of Will's house back home. It was lightly painted. From the drive, he could see the lace curtains in the windows and a few glass lamps.

"Clary will be so excited to see you!" James said, leaving the carriage before it stopped. Will, laughing, trailed along after James with his bag in his hand.

James raced up the few stairs and opened the door. "We're home!" he called out. The foyer was simple, a chair stood against the wall with a small table beside it. A coat hanger lounged in the corner, already occupied by coats of various types. There was carpet on the floor, though it was a plain simple tan, made Will almost gasp.

Will followed his cousin through the house, making notes about things that stood out. He recognized a few paintings on the walls, but couldn't name them. In the main room in the far back side of the house, James's family sat by the fire place.

Clary, James's twelve year old sister, turned to glance at them. Her light brown eyes brightened as she jumped up from the floor in a bound for Will. "William!" she screeched, her long blonde waves pouncing against her face. She wrapped her arms around his waist in a tight hug.

"Clary, your beauty just glows!" Will laughed, rubbing Clary's back.

"You are such a flatterer, dear William," James's mother, Lydia laughed. Lydia had the same blonde hair and fare skin as her children and the same light brown eyes as Clary.

"William, welcome. Please do make yourself at home here," William's uncle and James's father, Henry told him, his hand extended to his nephew.

Henry was the same height as James and Will. His dark brown eyes resembled that of his son's. His smile, too, was passed to his son. Henry's Irish accent made Will feel at home and welcome.

"Thank you, Uncle. I hope to work well and be out of your hair soon," Will laughed, taking his uncle's hand in his.

Will had moved here for one reason, to get a job. Back home in Dublin, his family was on the verge of complete poverty. He knew he had to leave if he where to help them regain some stability. Thankfully, Henry, Will's father's younger brother offered to aid Will and hire him at the factory. Now Will only had to worry about making it back home with enough to save his family.
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A little filler.
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