I Must Agree, You're Just Like Me.

I must agree, you're just like me.

Her hair flows like wisps of golden strands of sun rays. Her face was unflawed. No beauty marks, no pimps, no scars. Not even a blemished red mark pierced this beautiful face. Her eyes a beautiful shade of green. Yes this was an artists’ wet dream. But something was troubling this young girl. It was read all over her face. Something was definitely troubling her. But to a stray eye wouldn’t know what to think. But a trained eye would see it.

Yes a trained eye would see the baby bump, just slightly showing. She wasn’t far along but it was still troubling her. She couldn’t go through with an abortion. She tried. Went in, only to walk right back out. Who in their right mind would go through with it? She couldn’t think of anyone. Sure she was old enough to make her own decisions but could she raise her baby alone?

How did she get into this situation you might ask? Well quite frankly, she didn’t know. She thought they were safe. She thought they did everything right. Her and her boyfriend of fourteen months, Ronnie. He was becoming famous; they even played his music on the radio. How could she possibly tell him? Would he stay by her? Would he run away? Scream at her? Hit her until the baby left?

Okay that last one was so not Ronnie, but she couldn’t be sure. So many questions ran through her mind. She could barely hear the Las Vegas traffic pass her as she walked down the street. She had to tell Ronnie, she concluded, but how?
Before she knew it, she was standing in front of his apartment complex. It’s now or never, she told herself. Each step she took felt like more and more bricks on her shoulder. Tears starting pouring out of her beautiful green eyes. They clouded her vision, but her feet took her each step of the stairs. Why didn’t I take the elevator? She thought as her legs grew tired. But she pushed herself, to the top floor of a four story building. She knew he’d be home. He just got in from touring. She knew he’d be there.

She knew 15 steps from the stairs to his apartment. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, the weight was getting heavier. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, he was going to be pissed. This could ruin him. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. She stood in front of his door, and cried. She tried to calm down, but it wasn’t working. She could hear him laughing inside with the T.V blaring.

Without thinking she raised her hand and knocked. “Coming.” She heard him yell and the T.V got turned down. She heard his footsteps; long strides. Door opens to reveal Mr. Radke himself. She looked up at him, he was at least six inches taller than her. His smile was wide until he looked into her eyes. “Holy shit, Chloe. What’s wrong?”

“Can we talk inside?” She whispered. She didn’t want the neighbors to hear him yell at her. Not that she was positive he was going to yell at her. But she wanted to make sure.

“Sure sure, Come in!” He said hugging her slightly before letting her in. She slowly walked into what she felt was going to be hell. She looked to her right, to the room where it all happened. His bedroom. “So, what’s up?” He said as she stared into his bedroom.

“I… I just really missed you.” She said turning to him. She walked straight up to him and kissed him. It took him by surprise. She had walked all the way over here just to kiss him? It was quite romantic but confused him. What confused him more was the wet tears hitting his cheek.

“Baby, why are you crying?” He said wiping away her tears. “Is something troubling you, cause its starting to freak me the fuck out.”

“Don’t hate me.” She whispered.

“I could never. You know I love you right? How could you ever think I could hate you, Chlo. You’re my world. Forever.”

She sighed trying to bring up the courage to say it. Just two words. “I’m, I’m, I’m pregnant.” He stood there for a minute trying to understand what she just said.

But he took too long for her liking. “I’m sorry. But I didn’t mean for this to happen.” She whispered afraid if she spoke any louder, he would run never to be seen again.

“I know.” Was all he had to said. Another three words came out of his mouth. “I love you.”


“I love you Chloe. Sure, I wasn’t expecting that, but its better than what I thought. I don’t know if I’ll be a great father but I think I’ll have to learn to be one. And sure this isn’t great timing but we’ll make it through it. I promise.” She actually smiled for the first time today. All that weight that was on her shoulder gone. She finally felt like she would be okay.

“I love you too Ronnie.” And she knew this was right. This was the perfect thing for a baby to have. Happy, in love parents.
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Just a little drabble.