Me and God


Becoming a christian
It seemed simple as I began to read it. My mind expanded and was punched with the sinners Truth. For All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. -Romans 3:23
For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
-Roman 6:23

Reading that as well as many other scriptures. I excepted Jesus Christ as my Savior. I was easily persuaded this was the way to go. At first the choice was on the traditional aspects of my family. But soonly I began to take my faith seriously. Not holding it as a fashion statement.

My first Epiphany was April of 2011. I ran into a person and soonly made him my best friend or closet acquaintances. My friend Kijuan or "Kijuan Preacher Man Banks" as so my friends would call him portrayed an image I felt like was what I shouldve been. I wanted to become him. He had wonderful characteristics. He was always happy, helpful with an open ear and Godly heart. However when I approached him he thought I was at step one. "Excepting Christ". I was actually trying to get to be come an open, living sacrifice for God. However my life was the complete opposite. The school knew me as the freak that raped people as well as the weird bisexual that would drag you in to a closet and possibly sodomize you. I was dangerous my personality was a crazy girl that got joy from popping peoples pimples, stabbing people when angry and getting turned on by bondage and hearing others rape stories. Real or not? Bad right? That's just half of it. At home I would cut my wrist to feel some sort of comfort in my own sin. Masterbation and phone sex became a part of me as well as an addiction. I loved this life style but this lifestlye didnt love me. Poetry was the only thing I had going good for me. Poetry was my "SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LISTEN" to the world. Poetry was my rainbow to religons my bible to the unbelievers. Poetry was my voice when my mouth wouldnt move as well as my addiction that took over. Poetry.... Was My HEART BEAT.
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