How a Day at Work Can Change Your Life

How A Day At Work Can Change Your Life

Malishah was in a restaurant for a get together with her family because they are all busy and don't see each other often. Malishah was sitting, waiting for a waiter. As she was waiting she was looking at her surroundings. Her eyes fell upon a waiter a few tables away and she couldn't stop staring. He felt someone looking at him and turned to her, he looked straight at her. He went back in the kitchen and came back with water for a table. He was looking for Malishah, when he found her he got distracted and tripped making him spill the water. Malishah had seen what happened and smiled.

"Why are you smiling?" her mom asked

"It's nothing" Malishah said. Malishah was zoning out not paying attention so she didn't notice that someone was standing beside her.

"Hello, I will be your waiter for tonight, what would you wish to order?" Malishah heard snapping her back to reality. She looked up and saw the waiter she was looking at earlier and blushed. They looked at each other for a moment but he looked away and took everyone's order. They looked at each other one more time before he left the table. He couldn't forget Malishah's soft, sweet, feminine voice and she couldn't get his green eyes out of her mind. Malishah had to use the restroom and on her way back she bumped into someone.

"I am SO sorry" she apologized. She looked at the person and saw that it was her green eyed waiter

"It's fine" he said

"You were my waiter right?" she asked

"Yes, I'm Cameron, your waiter" he said. She was hoping he would give me his name.

"I'm Malishah" she said

"Pretty name for a pretty girl" Cameron said

"Aww thanks" Malishah said smiling. Cameron liked the way she smiled. Someone bumped into her from behind and she dropped her purse. When her purse fell her stuff fell out and Cameron helped her pick up her things.

"Thank you for helping me and sorry about earlier but I have to go" Malishah said

"Enjoy your night" Cameron said and she went back to her table. When she had left he noticed a paper on the floor. Cameron picked it up and saw that it was a picture of Malishah. He was about to go after her to return it but his boss called him in. When Cameron finished with what his boss called him in. When Cameron finished with what his boss wanted him to do he went to the table where Malishah was but she was gone. Cameron felt an empty feeling in his chest and looked at the picture then sighed. Malishah wanted to see Cameron again, at least one last time but that wasn't possible. When Malishah had to go she felt like she left something important behind. She wanted to see him again, she felt like if she didn't see him she wouldn't be able to let it go. She
felt attracted to him and he felt the same way. A week later Malishah returned to the restaurant and she hoped to see Cameron again. She asked a waiter for Cameron but she was told he didn't work there anymore. Instantly all her hope of seeing him again was gone. For some reason she felt like if she let someone down.

One Year Later

Malishah was with a friend getting ready to go to a concert. Malishah's friend had been begging Malishah to go to a concert with her. Malishah agreed since they do everything together. The problem is that they both have different preferences in music. Malishah told her friend to play some music of the band they are going to see. Malishah figured that if she was going to the concert she might as well get familiar with the music so she listened to their songs. Malishah was doing her hair and caught herself singing along.

"Hey I actually like this" Malishah said

"Told you they are great" her friend said. By the time the CD was over Malishah had fallen in love with the band.

"What's the name of the band?" Malishah asked

"Allstar Weekend" her friend said with a love struck smile.

"So tell me about them" Malishah said

"That band consists of four members and the drummer is the cutters, but besides all the good looks they are really awesome" her friend said

"I'm excited" Malishah said as she drove to the venue

"I know me too! So what's your favorite song?" her friend asked

"Hey Princess, I think it's so cute" Malishah said

"Zach writes the cutest songs" her friend said

"Who is Zach?" Malishah asked

"The singer" her friend said

When the concert began Malishah couldn't her eyes. Cameron, her green-eyed waiter is in a band. She thought she would never see him again.

"What's wrong?" her friend asked

"Cameron, I know him" Malishah said

"No way! You do!?!" her friend asked

"Remember the waiter I told you about, well it's him..." Malishah said

"Wow that's crazy, I wonder if he will recognize you" her friend wondered. They enjoyed the rest of the concert and now they are in line for the Meet n Greet. The closer the get the more nervous Malishah gets. She started thinking that Cameron most likely forgot her. She didn’t understand why this meeting meant so much to her.

"Hello pretty ladies, would you like an autograph?" Zach asked

"Yes please" Malishah's friend said shyly

"Don’t be shy, we won’t bite" Zach said and winked at them.

"Zach don't scare them away with that face of yours" Cameron joked

"Hey my face is sexy" Zach said

"You're Crazy Zachary, we all know the sexy one is me" Michael said winking

"Guys shut up already" Cameron said to the guys and then looked up. When he looked up he saw Malishah and smiled.

"I thought I would never see you again" Cameron told her

"You remember me?" Malishah asked

"How could I forget someone as pretty as you" Cameron said

"Aww thank you" Malishah says blushing

"How about a picture" Zach said then whispered something to Cameron. They took a few pictures and it was now time for the last one and just before the flash went off Cameron kissed Malishah, she obviously kissed him back.

“I have been waiting to do that for so long” Cameron said

“I’m so glad I found you again” Malishah said

“I have something I need to return to you” Cameron said giving her the picture he had found.

“How did you get that?” Malishah asked

“You dropped it and when I was going to return it you had disappeared…” Cameron said

“Keep it” Malishah said giving it back to him.

“I know this is kind of soon but we have wasted so much time already, will you be my girlfriend?” Cameron asked

“Of course I’ll be your girlfriend” Malishah said looking in his green eyes then kissed him.